Focusing On White Beauty Standard Among Asian American Males

Our society has been always look thought in white lens, you have to learn history from lens meant to preserve history, not dominate one another. The Asian community needs to stop viewing the world through a eurocentric lens because it alters out our entire perception of reality and distorts our standards of beauty, culture values, and self-worth. Their goals were to provide a safe space where Asian American women are celebrated for their qualities by having the same requirements as Western Beauty pageant.

The Nisei Week Festival started in 1935 which was created to promote their struggling business for Little Tokyo and to maintain ties with their ethnic L. A. 's Japanese American community which then they added Nisei week queen pageant to find a place of belonging and the positive result of that was the increases in money for the community and eases “threat’’ /fear to the white community. The criteria for the pageants are restrictive to say the least like Miss Universe, the contestants can’t be married (or ever have been married), they also must never have been pregnant, age range between 19 and 25, and usually a minimum of 25-50% of a certain ethnicity. By focusing on white beauty standard, Asian American often overlooks the deeper problem of plastic surgery. I get wanting to improve or enhance your look but not at the cost of being ashamed of your cultural identity only to be accepted by the dominant culture. The issue of class also plays in which only the upper class are the only ones that is even able to afford the medical procedures to enhance their beauty. It’s a shame that we caved under the pressure of white people and altering our birth feature to be accepted by white people.

Society has brainwashed us into thinking that European standard beauty are epitome of beauty. Woc/POC in general have been taught to hate our ethnic features due to hundreds of years colonialism and brainwashing. We need to learn to embrace our ethnicity and the way you look, if someone has a problem with it then it's their problem not yours. Asian American men appropriate symbols of masculinity or from through emergent culture of hybridity. They create a space of belonging and form new identities of masculinity by embracing import car racing. Men have pride to their car because the media portrays cars as a sign for American masculinity, it's like an extension of their masculinity but in reality no one cares about what kind of car you have. In other words, I believe they're trying to show off to prove their masculinity to other man.

Vincent Chin was a Chinese man, ready to be marry that got beaten to death with a bat by Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz, who were two auto workers that were angry about recent layoffs which were widely blamed on Japanese imports. These two white men decide to blame one person that wasn’t even Japanese because they were racists and that it didn’t even matter that he wasn’t Japanese, in their eyes because he was Asian, he was suddenly the “enemy. ” The fact that they only got probation and a 3K fine for cold-blooded murder, that is absolutely insane and cases like this are still happening especially with African American, we need to fix the broken system. It’s has been proven that it’s difficult to break away from the social norm due to critics by other people and they have taught to us since birth so people think it’s natural for human to think like this. . Masculinity is so fragile that displays of aggression equate to mental superiority.

Addressing toxic masculinity is very helpful in giving men new perspective on their negative beliefs and attitudes that caused them to end up there in the first place. This is important because the practice of reclaiming masculinity reinforced normative standards of white patriarchy, like for examples the beauty pageants reproduces a white norms of femininity. The exclusion from white American led to Asian breaking the barrier to form their place of belonging from going under the knife because they think that the westerner are the superior race. By empower kids of color to embrace their ethnicity and become allies to other social movements.

18 May 2020
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