Gender Inequality As A Contributing Factor In Having An Abortion
Did you know that 59% of women who are already mothers obtain an abortion? When thinking of someone undergoing a procedure like early termination of a pregnancy, we often think it’s a young teenage girl or woman in her early twenties with no experience with motherhood. In fact, there are more than 64% are women who decide they don’t want to start over with children that are already in school. The lower end of abortions back 45 to 50 years ago with teenagers have increased because unlike back then it’s not a normal thing to marry your daughter off and start a family these days. Although these ladies start young, the rate of abortions in girls 13 to 22 is very high because of shame and being looked at as being “grown” in a negative sense. Despite society’s progress over the last century in America, abortion is still viewed negatively because of gender inequality, social judgement, and institutional prejudices. Gender inequality and the separate ways we as women are looked upon plays a huge role in having an abortion. It is unfair to women biologically, because men and women are equally morally responsible for their offspring, even though this obligation can take different forms (women, by reproductive biology, uniquely gestate children). However, just because women carry the child up until birth doesn’t mean that we aren’t entitled to making the decision to birth the child or not. Why, because now days the dads aren’t even present to help raise them. The debate over this issue is shaped by the language of individual rights – the right to life of the embryo-fetus versus the woman's right to privacy or choice.
Women hold more responsibility for caregiver of the child because women carry the fetus to birth. But does that really mean we are the only one’s held responsible for the child? People don’t really take the time out to see that women who want to become mothers also, have other things in life that they want to accomplish. Meanwhile, you have especially the older generation who says, “it’s over young woman be a stay at mother”. It shouldn’t be that way, especially these days. It takes a two-income family to raise a child and a mother alone it’s hard. That’s why abortions do still exist and will more than likely always exist. The issue is why we continually are fighting for what should already be ours, the freedom, the human right to make our own childbearing choices.
Medical risks, should all abortions be legal? Of course, everyone woman in the United States have legal rights to abort. Well, from a medical stand point it’s not fair at all being that its very painful physically, mentally and emotionally. Like with any surgical procedure there is a risk. The main risk with a medical abortion is infection causes by leaving dead tissues inside the uterus. However, keep in mind that pill form abortions also have risks such as, infections and side effects to the medicine its self. People are very aware of the risk before choosing to go through and in the USA, it is a legal procedure. No woman in America should be at the mercy of politically motivated hardline anti-choice, anti-woman, anti-human rights lawmakers who are endangering the lives of women for their own political gain.
Every day we run into Social inequality. Abortion is one of the biggest topics amongst hundreds out there. Politics, religion and so many more attention grabbing and opinionated topics, Abortion has its many groups of people against it. Reality is just as many against it are for it. You will drive past a church or clinic and see people holding up their signs who are against it and those who could care less. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Assumptions about mother are she is a “fast girl, hot in the tail”, if she is young. An assumption persists that abortion services are used largely by teenage girls and young, childless women.
Mothers in the later ages are considered too old, or unfit depending on the lifestyle of the mother. Instead of people not assuming and minding their business, they seem to have it all figured out. First of all, we as people in society always think the negative or the worst not knowing the cause of abortion may be far more medically operated then lack of wanting to be a mother. Morals directed by religion come in so many different religions and beliefs. You have catholic, Islamic, Christianity and so many more religions that believe what they are taught. It seems contrary to the population's very conservative religious ideals, but doctors say they're willing to look past their religion to save women's lives.
Hopefully, knowing this people will open their hearts and eyes to be more open minded when it comes to life or death. Some religions will shame you not realizing they are judging you and who are they to judge? Just another way of sinning differently. Societal responsibility to guide women to believe whatever they want to believe, and feel is great. The reason for societal responsibility is for whoever and whatever organization to feel and agree on whatever they agree upon. It’s with any type of organization, you may have a church deciding whether all boys sit on one side of the church. Again, it’s not something we can stop because like sitting all sex of males on one side of the church is legal so is abortion. It’s just one of those things where you have your opinion on something but so does everyone although, this way it’s usually groups of people in debates. When dealing with Institutional prejudices, you have several things to worry about when having an abortion performed on you as a woman such as, nurses and other medical staff being rude or acting in a way as if you were personally doing harm to them. The big issues are usually indirect yet direct maltreatment. Women all over the world end up going back into the hospital with complications due to maltreatment. The even scarier part is they perform these procedures unsterile in places causing life threatening infection and other issues. Not to mention the fact some are done in illegal and unsafe settings. in general, a moralizing viewpoint reinforces professional practices and underlies the institutional structure, leading to displays of intolerance or hostility towards women suspected of provoking an abortion, despite the ubiquitous presence of a “pro-humanization” institutional discourse.
Insurance issues and abortions are very tricky. First, if it’s not deemed a major medical issue from a OBGYN, insurance will not pay for a pill form or surgical abortion. Some insurance will not pay any of the abortion expense. Several organizations filed the lawsuit in 2017, saying the law, House Bill 40, violated the Balanced Budget requirement of the Illinois Constitution because the General Assembly had not appropriated the money to cover the costs imposed by the bill. (Legal Monitor Worldwide Sept. 20, 2018). What you have to keep in mind is society works and pays taxes and just as many for abortion there are more against it and not willing to pay or contribute to women choosing abortion. The state of Illinois had to reimburse people for the money paid towards abortions.
With Medicare/ Medicaid things are very different, how so? In all reality having any insurance doesn’t matter when it comes to abortions. Insurance does not cover any type of abortion method unless approved through the state and as stated before it must literally be life or death. However, if you can pay cash some clinics do have indigent care. Indigent care will be based on your income and help you pay for your procedure no matter what the cause may be. At that point you’ll get some type of help. Institutional lack of empathy is not uncommon, and mostly because it’s not taken personally, and the person is simply doing their job. A hospital or clinic does this for a living and most of the time whether we want to admit it or not we do take other people’s situations and make it personal. It can be as simple as they way one looks and start to assume the worst about them and why they are aborting. Quite the contrary, true empathy means helping the woman through her pregnancy as much as is possible. That statement in its self furthermore lets you know empathy for a woman aborting her baby is looked at both negatively and positively. Either way it’s still a choice as a woman to make.
As expressed, abortion starts at early ages and after becoming a mom with women of later age. What we all need to keep in mind is abortion happens for not only personal but medical reasons as well. No matter who it may be, people are going to judge. The church, the clinic, the nurse at you doctor’s office and even close family members. Abortion is legal and is a personal choice and only the individual their self can make the decision to have or not have the procedure.