Helpful Skills Based on Leadership Experience


Leadership is that the ability of a personal or a gaggle of people to effect and lead supporters or alternative members of a corporation. Leaders are needed in the most areas, such as, business, politics, regions and community organizations. This leadership experience essay will talk about some main skills that each leader should develop for himself and I chose them based on my leadership experience and my leadership philosophy. 

“Leadership is defined as the activity of influencing people to pursue a certain course; there must also be some power of mind behind the leader”. In every organization, leaders play a critical role in attaining the organization's objectives. Leaders' actions have a significant impact on their subordinates. A good leader must be able to motivate his followers. As a result, they are able to achieve the organization's aim. Although leadership styles change with age, the attributes of a good leader remain constant. It focuses on how a leader's actions affect the people. In order to achieve the organization's goals, a competent leader motivates and encourages people.

Important Leadership Skills or 21st Century

Organizational competition is becoming more intense in the twenty-first century. In order to compete in this environment, businesses need competent leaders with efficient skills. The person who direct, guide, and influence the behavior and work of others in order to achieve specified goals in a given scenario can be a leader. In order to inspire and motivate others, leaders must possess certain skills. The following are some of the leadership skills required for a leader in the twenty-first century.

Be Innovative

In this competitive corporate world, an innovative leader can keep up with the pace of change. For the organization's success, the leader must develop his or her goals. If the leader develops his own goal, he must also have the ability achieve the goal. The demand for a creative leader will result in a creative organisation.

Interpersonal Skills

Because leaders get things done through people, they must have strong interpersonal skills. Communication is the most crucial interpersonal skill that a leader may use to encourage and motivate staff to collaborate in order to achieve a common goal. Effective communication not only boosts productivity but also makes a positive impression on colleagues, investors, and consumers.

Decision Making Skill

A good leader can make judgments based on a variety of options. The capacity to define issues and opportunities in order to choose the optimal course of action is a decision-making talent. Good decision-making can demonstrate a leader's value and passion in his or her work. They must also be able to distinguish between good and wrong.

Ability to Take Initiative

Talent leaders that take initiative in particular activities are curious about their organization and will be open to new ideas and opportunities. Initiative leaders do not wait for others' opinions. They do the proper steps at the appropriate moment. They also assist their organization and team in defeating the opposition.

Assurance (Confidence)

A leader must be confident in what they are doing and have a 'can-do' attitude. A leader is someone who leads a group of people, hence he must have a higher level of self-assurance. A leader's confidence can help him win followers and also enable him to stand on his own. As a result, I believe that confidence is the foundation of leadership. A leader's confidence allows him or her to perform high-powered operations.

Strategic Thinking

A strategic thinker can speed up the pace of change in the organization. If they move strategically towards the target, they will be able to make the best use of their resources. Strategic executives who put up a lot of effort can help the organization advance faster. They are always aware of their surroundings. A leader's strategic movement includes thinking before acting or speaking.

Technical Skill

A leader needs current technological skill in his field. This will assist him in remaining calm in this technological environment. A good leader must be able to explain machine operations to his or her subordinates. A technical leader can compete in a competitive and technologically advanced company environment.

Ability to Accept Responsibility

A leader's primary obligation is to accept responsibility. He should be in charge of addressing doubts. A leader is in charge of resolving issues, managing operations, and ensuring safety. A leader's primary task is to properly handle management duties.

Risk Management Skill

Every organization's activity is fraught with danger. A leader should be risk-averse in the future. He should be knowledgeable of the many sorts of hazards as well as risk-reduction strategies. As a result, a great leader must understand how to manage risk.

Empathetic Leadership 

A leader must be aware of his or her subordinates' needs as well as their feelings and opinions. He should be person-centered as a leader in the twenty-first century. An empathic leader should be aware of his or her subordinates' feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Personal perception on Leadership Skill

A leader in the twenty-first century, in my opinion, should have certain talents and attributes. There are a variety of qualities that go into making a successful leader, and they differ from one organizationenvironment to the next. I worked for two years as a front office executive in a food firm, where I was able to put the abilities listed above to use.

A leader, in my opinion, should be a good friend and possess interpersonal skills in order to foster positive relationships between coworkers. A person in a position of leadership should be capable of taking on responsibilities and duties. Risks are inevitable in any firm, thus the leader must be able to handle them and be aware of risk-reduction strategies. The ability to make decisions is critical for risk management. If an issue arises as a result of risks and uncertainties, he should first identify the problem, create several sorts of alternatives, and choose the most suitable alternative solution for the problem. If he merely has decision-making skills, he can complete this process. A leader's 'can-do' attitude will instil trust in him, allowing him to move forward. Organizational rivalry is fierce, therefore leaders must deliberately work toward their goals. Leaders who think strategically can keep up with the pace of change in their organizations. A leader's intelligence allows him to rapidly grasp the point, identify relationships, and draw comparisons. Intelligence has a clear vision of its capabilities, as well as a dedication to basic ideals.

Even if a leader possesses the qualities listed above, he should have prior leadership experience. In the field of leadership, experience is quite valuable. Take advantage of every opportunity to develop experience as a leader. Leaders constantly have something new to learn, therefore be ready to gain knowledge through experience. The individual with more experience will most likely be a better leader.


Leadership entails more than just the commander's power; it also necessitates a peculiar strength of personality and qualities that appeal to the average person. The quality of a leader should not be altered, but they do wish to refresh their knowledge and develop abilities that are appropriate for the twenty-first century. Instead of being a boss, a leader could be a competent guide. Leadership cannot be taught; it can only be learned. Also, while leadership cannot instil greatness in humans, it can sometimes inspire greatness.

05 January 2023
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