A Tale of Misfortune: How I Broke My Arm

Essay about breaking a bone

When I was about 4 or 5, I was in kindergarten eating Oreos, probably the best Oreos I've ever had. The creamy substance mixed with the hard chocolaty cracker is perfect. It was almost like real chocolate! However, little did I know that those Oreos would lead to a painful accident. In this essay I'll recount the story of how I broke my arm.

That day, I was probably chewing loudly because my sister got up and went to the teacher. When she was going up to tell her, I tried to get up but my sister jumped on my back. It hurt, but I didn't feel the fracture of my bone. My arm just felt numb. It was probably the adrenaline that got to me. The blood rushed to the bone and it started to hurt while I was sitting in time out. I asked to go to the bathroom so I could put some water on my arm. When my mom picked me up, we put it under a pack of peas. We thought it was a bruise, but it was so much worse. I went to a doctor to see if it was a broken bone. The doctor said it was a bruise and it would go away in a day or two. After a day or two, we went to the ER to get an X-ray. It turns out I broke the bone. The doctor was wrong! I had to stay there till 11:00 p.m. to get my cast on. It is a lime green cast. It itched like crazy. It was so bad that when my parents weren't looking, I took a fork and itched it. I couldn't do anything. It sucked.

When I woke up I felt horrible. My arm was sore and when I got my shirt on it hurt so bad that I just didn't wear a shirt. I was walking into class and sat down and hit my arm on the chair. It hit my funny bone and it felt weird for at least 20 minutes. I was working but couldn't hold my pencil correctly with my right arm. I had to use my left arm that was very bad at writing. I was trying to cut something and my teacher said to stop and go watch stuff on Y+-+outube. It was a fun day, but when I got home I had to do HOMEWORK! This homework was so dull that it usually took me an hour to finish it. Add my arm to the mixture and it added at least 30 more minutes. And this isn't your regular homework. It is a painful, long, and tedious trip down learning lane. It is filled with the ABCs, writing your name, and the worst… ADDITION! One day I had to go back to the doctor to get a new cast. This one had arm heaters, a coffee machine, and 400 episodes of Jonny pig on one big iPad. Just kidding. It's a regular old cast. This one is blue, but I got a sharpie out of it to see if I could get the most signatures out of all the kids with casts. That night I had to stay the night because my original cast was dislocating the bone. I don't know why I am afraid of hospital beds, but I am. Ts just the texture that feels weird. When I was sleeping i woke up and saw a random guy in my room. Perinatally it was the doctor but I still screamed. He had to turn on the lights and i tried to move my cast but it was on this holding unit. When I woke up I looked at a clock and it was 6:00 a.m. and the alarm was going off. Why would someone put an alarm at 6 for a 5 year old? It was very annoying. Then the nurse walked in and gave me my food. I don't know what I have about hospital food either. I just don't like how orange the scrambled eggs are. The bacon tasted weird, almost like “fake bacon”. I think hospital food is just tasteless and bland. Oh wait I almost forgot about the WATER. The water is in these weird bottles and the taste is indescribable. It tastes like water that was sitting in a car for 3 days and the put into a refrigerator for 5 minutes. It was lukewarm and was as bland as the eggs.

When I got out of the hospital I want to this sushi place to get my favorite sushi, ”The Dragon Roll”.fastforward like 4 months and it is Christmas. I still had my cast on and I went to take a picture with Santa. I took the picture and in my mind, I thought, ”can Santa sign my cast???”. I went up to ask and he signed it. My brain was like,”SANTA SIGNED MY CAST!”. It was Christmas night and my relatives came over with the newest game that I wanted so sorry for the Nintendo 3DS. Only thing was, I HAD A CAST! I asked if my friend could come over the next day and he could. We tried to play the game with my left arm and his right arm. We spent at least 2 hours on it and only got to the 2nd level! He went home and i wanted to play the game, but i had to charge it.

Fast forward 2 months and it was the day I had to take off my cast. I was sad, because i loved that cast. I went into the chair to cut it off, and the doctor said i won the cast signing contest! I was astonished and he started cutting with a saw. He then cut the excess with scissors and got the cast-off. I got to keep the cast, but it felt weird without it on. I still have that cast to this day, on my shelf. The End.

11 February 2020
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