Analyzing Adnan Syed's Case: In Search of Justice

The homicide of Hae Min Lee in 1999, has gotten many people’s consideration. An explanation behind all the consideration is a direct result of an all-around created podcast called Serial. Through the span of the web recording, the host of the show, Sarah Koenig, divulges the account of Hae Min Lee's homicide and the man that was accused and condemned of her homicide, her ex, Adnan Syed. Adnan Syed was sentenced for this homicide in February 2000 by the territory of Maryland. The podcast shows several ways of murder evidence of Hae Min Lee by Adnan Syed.

The first evidence is a mobile phone ring in Leakin Park. Specifically the Leakin Park mobile phone pings in the early night. In the event that Adnan had his telephone in this time, which is the thing that he guarantees, there is no sensible clarification for these pings other than that the telephone was closed or in Leakin park which Adnan cases to have not been closed. To get the telephone there without Adnan's contribution includes making situations that while absolutely conceivable in this huge multiverse, are exceedingly impossible in this world, and can be sensibly rejected as far-fetched. That something is conceivable does not mean it is sensible to accept it could have occurred. It bears taking note of that prior in the day the wireless pings don't adjust in any capacity with either Jay or Adnan's portrayal of the morning. Likely something different was going on. Who comprehends what however it is simply one more occasion of Adnan lying about where he was and what he was doing.

The second piece of evidence is there are various occurrences of Adnan lying. Any one occurrence of him doesn't state a great deal. Be that as it may, taken together they paint the image of somebody who is manipulative and needs believability. Lying about Hae needing to get back together with him is maybe the most chilling. This was a lie Adnan told the school nurse on the day the news broke that Hae's body had been found. He professed to have addressed Hae the prior night she vanished and told the medical caretaker that Hae “had wanted to get back together with him, that she still loved him, but that he didn’t want to get back into the relationship in that manner — that they would always be friends.” Given what we are aware of the telephone log from the night prior to the homicide, and the specific short discussion that Adnan had that AM with Hae, this does not seem to be accurate by any means. What is frightening is that it sounds particularly like what Hae likely let him know in the vehicle just before he choked her. There are obviously other condemning untruths. Lying about approaching Hae for a ride upon the arrival of the homicide. Lying about his vehicle being inaccessible when requesting the free. Lying about how he wasn't disturbed by their separation. Lying about where he was and it does not coordinate with cell tower proof. Taking from the network Mosque gifts. Therefore, It confirms that Adnan is in a motive lying in constantly.

The last reason for why I think Adnan is guilty; Adnan guarantees no memory of the day. This after a police call enquiring in the event that he knew her whereabouts as she didn't get her nephew which Adnan himself has contended was so critical to Hae that he wouldn't consider approaching her for a ride. Any individual who really thought about Hae would have been profoundly frightened. Similarly, as the entirety of her dear loved ones were. What's more, he never endeavors to reach her starting from here on.

To conclude, looking after these facts Adnan cannot be innocent. He should stay in prison until the end of his life because of murdering an innocent girl in high school. 

01 August 2022
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