Leadership, Trust And Communication: Building Trust In Companies Through Effective Leadership Communication

According to the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study employees who feel committed to their organization carry out more tasks then required by them. 79% of employees who share the values of their organization use their initiative to do more than just their required task, 91% of those who were satisfied with their involvement in decision making felt loyal to their organization, and 87% of those satisfied with their involvement in decision-making felt proud to work for their organization. In spite of the strong evidence for the positive impact of employee engagement and empowerment on loyalty and trust, a recent study of first line managers confirms close supervision - a clear sign of mistrust and that devolution of responsibility to teams and individuals remains rare. Openness is the single most important driver of trust. Effective communication is closely related to openness and honesty. Leaders must communicate common values, clear expectations and feedback on performance. Recent research has highlighted that employees dislike the overuse of electronic communications like Twitter, blogging etc. While these techniques and technologies allow leaders to communicate more frequently and easily, they are interpreted as being less remote. Good communication at all levels requires emotional intelligence skill and an understanding of cross-cultural differences.

The purpose of this study is to investigate current ideas on trust, leadership and communication in order to provide clear guidelines to help enterprises better understand how to build or rebuild trust through communication and also rethinking leadership in modern organizations.

Research collected and evaluated primary data from different Executives. The sample size was 250. The study was also based on secondary data which was collected from different articles like Pfeiffer, J. Human Equation, McGraw-Hill, Experiencing Trustworthy Leaders, CIPD, and University of Bath. This data was useful for supporting analysis which was done on the basis of primary data. It was also helpful for drawing the conclusion.

It is a widely held belief that Effective leadership is still largely a matter of communication. Working closely with organizational leaders, communication specialists can demonstrate that effective leaders are also good listeners who genuinely care about the views of people on all levels. Through effective communication, leaders lead. Good communication skills enable, foster, and create the understanding and trust necessary to encourage others to follow. Without effective communication, a manager is not an effective leader. Researcher believes that deeply listening to the messages that come from across the organization provide key information to leaders about the emerging needs and concerns of employees. Trust forms the basis for all relationships and interactions. It is just as important in professional relationships as it is in personal ones. The following factors are shown to increase employees trust in their companies those are Performance management, Job security.

03 December 2019
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