Missing School Days: Back to School
No matter how much you say you hate school, you'll always miss it when you Leave'. When ex-students said this to me while I was at school I laughed at them. However, today I would love to go back to school and enjoy those carefree days. This is back to school short essay where I will share my thoughts.
Those were the most amazing days of our life when the only responsibility we had was the study and complete our school homework. Those days we spoke about escaped punishment when homework not done and who peeped into the Wanvent to see the length of the Sisters. We would fight and argue over silly angs but make up the next minute without ego getting into our way. The foot tar music played by our peon, late Sebastian the assembly would see all of us marching from the corridor to our respective classes. Yes, my dear friends. assembly was then conducted in the corridor. We looked forward to the recess.
I still remember how excited we used to get in the month of June when we would go back to school and meet our friends. We would anxiously wait to see our new class teacher and subject teachers In primary, the 4th std would be very exciting as we were the seniors, graduating to writing with pens instead of pencils from the mid-term onwards. At MIGHS, we had the most lovable teachers, who although were strict Disciplinarians, were like mothers to us while we were at school. They would guide us when we were naughty and would also take care of us when we were unwell. As we moved to the eight standard, the excitement was about going to the laboratories on the 3rd floor to work on experiments in Physics, Biology and Chemistry. The girls who joined the Girl Scouts enjoyed themselves. We waited to reach the 9th standard, so that we could wear the blue scout uniform to school once a week. We had a school camp in the 9th, where we stayed overnight in the school hall and cooked in the compound. This was indeed a fun night full of pranks for the kids and a sleepless night for the teachers. In the 10th we had an overnight two-day trip outside Mumbai. I miss plucking tamarind from the tamarind tree in the school compound, the annual days, the sports days, the picnics and all the wonderful programmers we used to have. I also miss the pranks we used to pass awla supari from the first bench to the last bench while the teacher was not looking. Getting caught meant sure punishment but we were still thrilled doing 'masti' behind the teachers back. I miss going for the hockey matches all the way to Marine Lines, the early morning practices throughout the holidays including Saturday and Sunday. Today, these moments are but sweet memories.
Dear students, remember, at times school may be hard, annoying and irritating. Yet you're going to miss it when you leave. It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to go to college but later getting nostalgic about school.