My Ambition To Start A Career In Biochemistry

I vividly recall the thrill I felt when we started to learn about Biochemistry in school; a new door had been opened for me and I could begin to understand something of why and how life worked at the molecular level. I was especially captivated by the structure of proteins and its link to genetic mutation: how one change in the amino acid chain may have a dramatic impact on the folding of the protein, due to the interactions at the atomic level between different charges in the R-groups - as in the case of haemoglobin, where the change of one glutamic acid to valine is the cause of sickle cell anaemia.

The public talk, “The Future to Come: CRISPR,” by Francis Mojica, the discoverer of the aforementioned CRISPR, and Lluís Montoliu (both biochemists), was a glimpse into the possibilities this discovery provides: for instance, the innovative approach it offers in genetic engineering to treat genetic diseases, fighting bacterial antibiotic resistance by cutting up the genes for resistance it encounters, and more creative uses, such as inserting encoded information (i. e. an image) into a bacterial genome for storage. When reading “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins I was drawn to his logical way of explaining complex concepts, such as Game Theory applied to evolution, as well as the novel “gene’s eye” view it conveyed, which challenged and enriched my worldview. I also read Ben Goldacre's “Bad Science,” thanks to which I have learned about the publishing methods employed by the scientific community, as well as obstacles faced by its members, such as publication bias; but rather than daunting me, it incited me to delve further into the world of scientific journals, and I began to frequent websites such as www. jbc. org to check out scientific articles on subjects that interest me.

In summer 2018, I gained work experience in the Spanish National Centre for Oncological Research, thanks to which I learned about the practical applications of Biochemistry. I shadowed a group of researchers for one week, who each walked me through what their projects consisted of, and the processes of gathering and analysing data. My favourite was investigating the effect of administering telomerase enzyme to mice. I witnessed the process of mouse sacrifice and dissection, where brain tissue was collected to prepare slides. I got to work with microscopes (which was awesome) to observe these tissues and use a program that could measure the telomere length in the neurons. I was also shown footage of a cell undergoing mitosis that had been captured by said microscopes - it was amazing to watch, as you could clearly see the chromosomes condensing and doing their “dance”!Beyond school I attend a conservatoire for 8 hours per week of piano lessons. Combined with practice, this adds up to a significant amount of time, hence, I have learned how to organise my schedule to be able to juggle all my responsibilities; and I believe that this is an invaluable skill for a successful university life and scientific career. I am an active member of the school community. Last year, I was on the Charity Committee, where I had responsibility for advertising events, by designing and producing posters, and organising the hugely popular interhouse baking competition, which raised hundreds of euros for our school charities.

There I witnessed the importance of a cohesive team with good leadership. This year I am one of the organisers of a new STEM club to inspire younger science-oriented students. We meet weekly to discuss science topics that we’ve researched independently and work on science-related projects. My ambition is to acquire a school gel electrophoresis kit for the Biochemistry-inclined like me. My experiences have shown me the promising and exciting future, such as the development of CRISPR, the field of Biochemistry has, and have fuelled my desire to be a part of it, to contribute to the community. I eagerly look forward to a challenging but fulfilling career.

15 July 2020
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