Occupational Therapy – A Desirable Career For Me

We take things for granted. This generation is famous for not acknowledging what they have when they have it. Like making a cup of tea, we don’t think of the task, but some people may dread the complications which may be involved. After sitting my National 5 exams I knew then I needed to have an idea of what I wanted to study. It is hard trying to figure out what job I wanted for the rest of my life. I looked up many different occupations and was uncertain what exact course I wanted to apply for. The one thing I was sure on, was I wanted my career to involve helping others, making them happy through a hard time and to be given the satisfaction of other people succeeding through my help.

Occupational Therapy is the rewarding career I want to study. For me, the impact I can have on an individual, their family, their workplace and overall their life from helping them to be an independent person makes me want to fulfil this job and make their life just that little bit easier. For my one-week work experience I independently arranged to attend Buchanhaven Primary School. For that week I helped the children with their reading, writing, spelling and numeracy skills. I was given the opportunity of assisting the children through activities supporting their learning. I was there to support the children during their lessons for extra help. My work experience expanded my communication skills through communicating with children of all ages but also communicating with adults throughout the week.

Having exceptional communication skills I believe is a key skill in becoming an Occupational Therapist as on a daily basis by cooperating with clients, families and different specialists necessary for that specific clients needs. Currently I work part time at a local nursery. My role is an office job which I was given the opportunity to create an efficient and helpful filing system which I believe has benefited the nursery. I would work independently creating and amending different files and folders which makes finding the necessary files easier through the system I created. My part time job has lengthened my organisation skills by successfully producing this system to a high standard for the employees to understand.

Ever since I can remember I always loved dancing. I have spent years of my life attending dance classes from a different vary of solo style, disco, hip-hop and line dancing. I have also token part in many years at my local community’s pantomime every Christmas. Although I had to prioritise my studies over my extra-curricular activities. I now attend exercise classes weekly and attend the gym regularly every week as keeping fit and healthy is necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

15 July 2020
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