Question About Abortion: Pros And Cons


The question of whether abortion is moral or immoral has attracted various views over time. Scholars and religious leaders have expressed their views regarding the moral aspect of abortion. For instance, as seen in part one and two, Marquis Don and Warren Mary have expressed varied views regarding morality and how it relates to abortion where the former argues that abortion is immoral while the latter asserts that abortion is moral. The opponents of abortion argue that it is immoral since it involves terminating the life of a fetus. The life of the fetus, in this case, is given the same weight as the life of adult human beings. On the other hand, proponents of abortion assert that it is not immoral because fetuses have no equal rights to the adult human beings. Based on these opposing arguments, one can see that the stronger argument is that abortion is an immoral practice as discussed below.

Abortion Is Immoral

The fact that fetuses have life just like adult human beings is an indication that they deserve equal treatment to adults. This assertion has received objections from proponents of abortion that argue that fetuses do not have life and as such, abortion does not terminate lives. However, research has proven that fetuses have lives. For instance, during birth, the infant comes out either dead or alive. When they come out alive, they show that they were living in the mother’s womb. If an infant comes out dead, then one is described to have given birth to a dead child. These descriptions show that there is life during pregnancy (Marquis, 187). A fetus has life and abortion terminates such life thereby the practice is immoral. There should be no different standards to treat life whether it belongs to an adult or fetus and as such, it is immoral to interfere with both lives. Based on these realities, Marquis' assertion that fetuses have life is stronger than his opponent's argument that fetuses have different lives to adults or children (Marquis, 189). Thus, fetuses are part of the moral society and require equal treatment to adults.

Laws and social norms across the world seek to protect life. These laws and norms are based on the notion of the sanctity of life, and they prohibit taking away life. Based on laws and norms, termination of lives is immoral and as such, abortion is immoral (Marquis, 197). Given that the life of a fetus is equivalent to that of an adult based on norms and laws, then termination of pregnancy is equal to killing an adult or child and as such, it is an immoral practice.


The proponents of abortion such as Warren argue that it is difficult to establish whether fetuses deserve equal rights to those of adults. Warren asserts that she can prove that fetuses are not part of the society (Warren, 57). Since they are not part of the moral society, then it does not show immorality to terminate their lives. However, an analysis of the status of newborns proves that they were living even before birth. As such, fetuses have life and terminating such lives through abortion cannot be a moral practice in any society.


In conclusion, the consideration of opposing and supporting views of abortion proves that abortion is immoral. The fact that there is life during pregnancy shows that abortion terminates life and that amounts to an immoral act of killing. Since social norms and laws across the world prohibit killing, then abortion is immoral. As such, the opposition to abortion is stronger than the proposition of the practice.

10 September 2019
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