Real World Applications Of IoT

Whether operating an AC remotely from a different location to monitoring the engine maintenance of vehicles, IoT is playing a significant role in real time environments thus serving an ecosystem to perform tasks more efficiently. As a technology, it has resulted in generation of real time information which can be accessed remotely thus maintaining security conventions. Connected devices can generate large amount of internet traffic which can be useful for various data mining processes thus reducing human efforts by providing efficient resource utilization for better customer experiences and productivity. IoT as a technology is vastly getting implemented by various commercial industries such as consumer electronics, automotive, healthcare, telecom, logistics and many more.

IoT in Consumer Applications: As a technology, IoT is largely getting deployed in many consumer electronics projects such as home automation and connected appliances. A growing proportion of IoT enabled devices are available for consumer use such as automated housing solutions, smart vehicles and next gen products with remote monitoring capabilities. As a part of smart home application techniques, IoT devices are dominating the concept of wireless lighting as well as media and security systems. Such smart home solutions provides a platform to monitor connected devices and appliances at fingertips. There is an array of applications which are based on implementation of this technology. For instance, HomeKit (by Apple Inc. ) where devices can be connected and configured using iOS application over different Apple platforms such as iPhones, Mac as well as Apple Watches. Companies such as Phillips have worked over the concept of wireless lighting thus providing energy efficient lighting systems that can integrate with other smart devices and voice assistants for a truly smart home automation environment.

Commercial Applications of IoT: Medicine and Healthcare: IoT devices can be used for purpose of remote health monitoring and notification systems. Such devices can range from blood pressure monitors to advanced devices with improved data processing capabilities such as pacemakers. The concept of wireless hearing aids and wristbands along with smart beds is getting utilised by many healthcare industries to avoid manual intervention of medical supervisions. End to end health monitoring systems are available to help one examine related medical requirements. Transportation Industry: IoT has resulted in integration of various communication systems along with synchronised information processing across various transport systems at a global level. Applications such as smart traffic control, smart parking zones, remote fleet management etc. has made possibility for a coordinated communication between different components of transport systems for improved on road safety and assistance. Similarly, IoT for Logistics and Fleet Management has provided a platform to undergo simultaneous geographical monitoring of assets using wireless sensors incorporated by strong alert systems for unprecedented exceptions.

15 Jun 2020
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