Red Bull Group Case

What social and mobile media tools is Red Bull using?

According to the textbook, Marketing 5th Edition by Grewal and Levy, Red Bull uses numerous social and mobile media tools that can be divvied into three categories such as social networking, media sharing, and thought sharing sights. Most of the social and mobile media publicizing tools expended allow Red Bull to effortlessly reach out to consumers and keep them informed with their news. Within this section, Red Bull’s main social and mobile media tools are YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, “SoLoMo” Software, Mobile Application, and their company website as well as the content uploaded onto these sites. Red Bull also uses a lot of videos, hashtags, photos, commercials, text alerts and promotions, which helps create brand cognizance and sustainment of loyal clientele. However, with all of the shared using tools; this increases monetary costs and requires Red Bull to stay on top of their consistency in planning vigorous postings. All of the social media tools listed above are being used remotely and effectively to maintain the communication with consumers keeping them updated with the newest Red Bull information. Therefore, instead of focusing on films and prints, they could construct collaborating activities for their supporters. However, with Red Bull using social networks, they can increase their name identification, products and revenues.

Evaluate Red Bull's social media marketing strategy using the 4E framework?

The 4E Framework for Red Bull’s social media helps to enthuse, inform, and allow the customers to experience the goods and merchandise while engaging with their social networks.

  1. Enthuse: Red Bull created a successful event, the Stratos Jump event in which was repeatedly promoted to publicize the event. This was streamed real time in its other social media and mobile marketing campaigns. This allowed watchers to be included in the entire event and connect with viewers outside of their normal target markets.
  2. Inform: In Red Bull’s informative process, they were able to share scientific information with consumers, capture videos, photos and live stream where available on the internet. They also educated the oglers about the diversity of the Red Bull brand.
  3. Experience: The mission was steamed in real time allowing everybody to join in the fun as cameras, videos, and post updates allowed observers to experience the jump.
  4. Engage: Promotions were available on multiple social sites and streamed in real time permitting viewers to comment on and share content.

How should Red Bull assess the effectiveness of these campaigns? Describe how it should respond to insights gained by this assessment.

Red Bull should evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns by using online analytical tools, customer feedback, and traditional marketing metrics. Providentially, most social media sites come with built in analytical tools that allow the user to view and value their own performance. Additionally, Red Bull can also design and assess their own metrics to effectively evaluate its current marketing situation. 

07 July 2022
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