Rethinking Andrew Jackson's Representation on the $20 Bill


The presence of historical figures on currency bills often sparks passionate debates about their legacy, impact, and the values they represent. Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, currently graces the $20 bill. This essay delves into the multifaceted arguments for and against Jackson's portrayal on the currency, exploring his achievements, controversies, and the complex considerations that surround this decision.

Legacy and Achievements

Andrew Jackson is celebrated for his pivotal role in shaping the nation's history during a transformative era. His presidency witnessed the expansion of democratic ideals, the strengthening of executive power, and a commitment to ensuring the common man's voice was heard. Jackson's military leadership during the Battle of New Orleans and his steadfastness in defending the Union during the Nullification Crisis further cement his legacy as a crucial figure in American history.

Proponents of his continued representation on the currency argue that his legacy embodies the very essence of American democracy—empowerment, resilience, and progress.

Controversies and Criticisms

However, Jackson's legacy is not without its dark chapters and controversies. His involvement in the forced removal of Native American tribes, resulting in the tragic Trail of Tears, remains one of the most painful episodes in American history. Critics also point to his views on slavery, his use of executive power that sometimes circumvented checks and balances, and his treatment of political opponents as reasons to reconsider his portrayal on the $20 bill.

Those advocating for his removal from the currency emphasize that his actions and decisions have lasting consequences that must be critically acknowledged, rather than celebrated.

Considerations and Symbolism

The decision to feature a historical figure on currency goes beyond individual achievements—it encompasses national values and aspirations. Those in favor of retaining Jackson on the $20 bill argue that his contributions to the development of American democracy are historically significant, warranting his continued presence. They contend that his presence serves as a reminder of the complexities of history.

Conversely, the currency also acts as a representation of societal values, and some argue that the nation should evolve to reflect contemporary ideals. This prompts a broader conversation about who is deserving of being celebrated and memorialized in this manner, given our evolving understanding of historical actions and their impact.


In conclusion, the debate over whether Andrew Jackson should remain on the $20 bill is a microcosm of the intricate interplay between historical accomplishments, moral complexities, and evolving societal values. Jackson's legacy is a mixture of triumphs and deeply troubling aspects, reflecting the complexity of American history itself. The decision about his portrayal on currency is more than a historical footnote—it is a statement about the values we prioritize and the narratives we choose to elevate. The ongoing discourse surrounding this issue calls for a thoughtful examination of history and its implications for the present and future.

23 August 2023
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