The Concept of IOE: How It Aids People, Society and Machines

Internet of everything is the smart link between people, systems, data and things. The Internet of everything (IoE) describes an environment in which billions of objects have sensors for measuring and evaluating their status; all linked by common and unique protocols over public or private networks. The Internet of Things has opened a world of experiential visual possibilities, so in the IOE essay we will explore how this smart link between people and technology become a key to the removal of everyday tensions. Location-aware innovations are beginning to transform our local experience and as the IoT industry expands throughout the coming years, we expect that more companies will implement experiential solutions in their businesses. It is anticipated that this Internet connectivity will spread to a whole host of new items in the coming years: the freezer, the security device, the luggage tag and even the family pet. 

IoE can help people with disabilities the most, according to the World Health Organization, about one billion people suffer from a disability. In the UK this is around one in five people. Recently, Vodafone collaborated with learning disability charity Mencap on a smart home initiative to boost the quality of life for people with learning impairments. The IoT data collected across the 45 homes will also provide valuable information to assist staff in personalizing the treatment of each resident. The linked devices are designed to support people with homework, time planning and socialization activities. Smart home devices, such as wired speakers, refrigerators, ovens, and heating systems, can allow those who are less mobile to live themselves. For example, they can monitor all devices and home functions, through a single interface. People who are blind can use voice assistants like Alexa to monitor their homes. Deaf people may be alerted to alarms or guests at the door by means of smart lights and video systems or with hearing aids to help them hear sound.

Internet of everything can help to transform our society into a better place. IoE-enabled devices and sensors help us minimize air pollution in some of the biggest cities in our country, improve farming and our food supply, and even detect and contain deadly viruses. The Internet of Things can help to improve public health in cities. Chronic pollution-stricken cities such as Delhi and Beijing are starting to install sensor networks system that alerts citizens when levels are extremely high. A citywide WIFI and information system connected to sensors, software and a data analytics platform in Barcelona has allowed the city to offer smart water infrastructure, automatic street lighting, waste pickups, digital bus routes, and smart parking queues. These city services allowed by IoE significantly reduced heavy traffic and noise, as well as the use of water, light and electricity.

Machines are computers used for recording and retrieving information. One area that uses this technology is hospitals, as there are computers that monitor the wellbeing of patients to see whether they are in good shape or not. Machine owners and consumers have both discovered that IoT will bring significant benefits and savings to them. They know that automated, machine-based analytical systems can reduce downtime, increase efficiency, achieve higher quality and save energy.

The internet of everything is used in many industries around the world. One of these industries is that the sports industry, sport or fitness has wearable devices that are connected to the individual so that they can track how much exercise they have done and help them aim higher when they do the exercise next time. IoE is starting to be a big advantage for professional teams and athletes to help them train better and prevent them from injury. IoE is reinventing the way coaches organize training, motivate players and discuss key game situations. Coaches can easily process vast quantities of data by implementing digital analytics with sensors and game video to get feedback on player efficiency, team success, and opponent weaknesses to help build in-game strategy.

Other sectors where IoE is being used in is the law enforcement area, the use of body-worn sound and video has increased dramatically in the last several years. These have been helpful in two important areas, enabling the officer to remember precisely what happened in every event to assist with future actions, and helping create public trust as they have been shown to improve the actions of the officer while they are on duty. Drones provide a new degree of control. Various types of devices help law enforcement authorities increase the efficiency of the monitoring. Drones can be used in dangerous chases, search-and - rescue, event management, and a lot more. Moreover, they allow law enforcement to track areas where officers are likely to be at risk if they are in person.

Businesses are also benefitting from IoE. IoE devices track and move data to monitor complex areas, this provide us with important information, increase efficiency and allow firms to make better informed decisions. Placing a smart thermostat in your business is a easy and efficient way of reducing your energy use and cutting your energy bills. Changing to a smart thermostat will allow people to make more productive use of energy and lower the carbon footprint of your company.

The IoE is also used in medical, wellness, lifestyle computing, communication and glamour:

  • Medical - hearing aids, bio feedback patch, ingestible sensors
  • Wellness – posture sensor belt, sensor insoles, weight monitoring band
  • Lifestyle computing – smartwatch, VR gaming headset, GPS shoes
  • Communication – Bluetooth jewelry,
  • Glamour – light display top


This shows us that the IoE has lots range of wearable technologies across various sectors. This also gives us an indication of how IoE is becoming so essential in our day to day life, and if we didn’t have these technologies, we would be struggling a lot

The internet of everything consists of in several places where it may be used. One field is the body or health applications that use sensors and monitors to track if the people are in a safe state. Through using wearables and other IoT-embedded home monitoring equipment, doctors can more effectively keep track of patient health. They can track patient adherence to medication plans or any need to receive emergency medical care. IoE allows doctors to be more vigilant and to quickly and effectively connect with the patients. There are many other areas in which IoE devices are very beneficial in hospitals besides monitoring the health of patients. Sensor-tagged IoE devices are used to track the location of medical devices such as wheelchairs, ventilators, oxygen pumps and other monitoring devices in real time. Usage of healthcare workers can also be analyzed in real time at different locations.

Home and garden are another place where IoE is being used, an example of this Having the option to adjust the air-conditioner inside the house or to use it as an automatic sensor to alter the temperature of the house, this can be used at any time and any place. A few other instances of the devices are capable of controlling things inside the house using the mobile phone app, such as being capable of controlling the lighting brightness or locking the house with a security system through your phones if you managed to forget to lock the door.

Most businesses use surveillance or security camera systems to track places where human protection is not possible or where access is not possible e.g. nuclear power plants and chemical plants. Security surveillance is the act of monitoring for safety purposes a specific operation, location, or individual, is a growing market. In providing many increasingly advanced solutions, such as alarms, access control systems, and video surveillance, technology plays a major role in improving security and monitoring capabilities. Another application which could be used in the city or neighborhood are smart streetlights. Streetlighting is very expensive, so the council and the government are looking for ways in which to reduce the amount of money spent on this, and they can do this by adding smart streetlights. The smart lights work by using sensors that monitor activity and adjust the brightness of lights if people or cars are using the roads.

Industries can apply IoE in various ways such as smart luggage. Smart luggage includes a battery and circuit board that can help you keep your electronics charged, monitor your luggage, and even prevent identity theft during long journeys. Smart luggage is hard-shelled and can be combined with any of these features. It makes it easier to travel by allowing you to charge your mobile devices, weigh the bag just by picking it up and monitoring it by proximity as well as by GPS position. Some bags even have RFID-blocking liners to prevent identity theft, and portable Wi-Fi hotspots if you are in an area where you cannot connect to the internet.

Flood Network used wireless technology with a limited range which was of course not reasonable. Later it began using low-power wide-area IoT network technologies LoRa (LoRaWAN) which is designed for such low-power, long-range, low-battery, outdoor and low-data applications. Since several regions in the United Kingdom have been vulnerable to extreme flooding in recent years, a local network has already been created, called the Flood Network, working out of Oxford, which aims to create the UK's largest flood sensor network and depends on people who can buy a sensor and become a flood watcher to help.    

In conclusion, IoE is based on the idea that, as in previous decades, internet connections will not be restricted to laptops, desktop computers or a handful of tablets. Instead, computers can usually become smarter by getting more data access and increasing networking possibilities. Examples of internet of everything could include printers, drones, computers and many more.

23 March 2023
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