The Impact On Climate Change And Human Development On Tundra


The word biome is a rudimental term used to describe the geographic landscape of the naturally occurring environment. These complex and biotic communities can be characterised by their distinctive ecosystems, encompassing the plant and animal species which reside within. Dominated by influential surroundings, such as their distinct physical location and its climate. Which helps dictate and determine the diversity and suitability of their biological communities. These factors, whether it be biotic or abiotic help develop and create distinct biological communities within their inherent climate. A visualisation of this real-life occurrence would be the Tundra Biome.

These biomes are habituated within the isolated and barren landscapes, primarily in the Northern hemisphere. Deriving from the Finish or Russian alliteration, meaning treeless plain or uplands. These biomes are notorious for their vicious and dangerous temperatures, throughout the frost-moulded landscape. There are two predominant seasonal periods, winter and summer. Permafrost is a defining characteristic of the biome which leads to almost inhospitable conditions leading to low biotic diversity. With these characteristics being the most significant and major within the Arctic landscape.

Throughout the world, the earth’s topography and boundaries between each ecological can notably vary everywhere on earth. Due to the gradual changeover and transitional division drawn arbitrarily throughout the planet. Although this premise is concurrent within the world, the premise and conditions can be appropriate to define throughout the characteristics of the Tundra Biome. As they’re predominately and solely exist within the ravaged landscape of the Arctic climate. Additional noteworthy features within the biome would be its seasonal transition between long, dark and frosty winters.

In contrast to the short-lived season of biological growth and reproduction. The oscillate process usually results in large bogs of water forming from the melted snow. Which leads to the scarcity and shortage of the landscape. Due to the lack of precipitation and poor nutrients supplemented from this brief period. Leading to its basic ecological structure, which has caused most plants or animals to sustain themselves in a cruel manner. Utilising the limited shortage of energy, from dead organic matter.

Due to the unsustainability of the harsh environment, most plants barely manage to tolerate the freezing climate, leading to a shortage of unique biological plant life and resources. Inhibiting the growth and flourishment of any subsistent and beneficial goods. Lead most tundra occupying governments to ignore the surviving vegetation. Most plants manage to prosper in such hostile location, usually are unfitted for any pragmatic use. These unsuited plants would be mosses, sedges, lichens and rarely trees or shrubberies. Inadequate for any commercial or agricultural or medical purpose.

The Arctic tundra supports a variety of animal species, these animals have adapted to handle long, cold winters and raise their young in summer, resistant to the harsh conditions. Through the oscillating pattern of the tundra, it is capable of supporting a range of animal species such as arctic foxes, polar bears, grey wolves, reindeer, muskox, elk and caribou. Some of these creatures are the main source of biological resources of the tundra. Mainly mammals such as elk and reindeers which are utilised for subsistent practices. Additional usages would include recreational purposes such as trophy hunting or as a way of tourism.

Subsequently, the tundras are inclined to threat of climate change and abiotic factors. Our actions have posed a serious issue relating to the stability of such a fragile environment. Resulting from the centuries of human activity and productivity, which has dramatically increased global climate temperatures. Problematically caused by the outcomes of residential and industrial development. Such as the intervention and economic investment within the Arctic, as these new prospects seem to be endless. Other contributors beside touristic he global carbon emissions include the controversial oil, gas and mining industries. Severely damaging the delicate ecosystem.

Although this may appear undermining, humans are determined to protect the solidarity of the environment. Such as the implementation of protective and conservative laws and parks. In place to preserve and safeguard areas of the tundra. Other options included an educational approach, aimed to connect people to the beauty of such a landscape. And help people understand the fragility and become more conscious of human influence. Further efforts include ecological and animal research, used to study the significance of the human impact. Which allows us to better understand the tundra and how to protect it.


Overall the issue of climate change and human development pose a major concern towards the stability and sustainability of this fascinating and unique landscape. As recent involvement by humans has severely damaged and altered the delicacy of the tundra. Negatively impacting the structure and existence of the rudimentarily primitive ecosystem. Not only does this cataclysmic affect the environment, but also possess the destructive implicates towards humans. As it is of the utmost importance to prioritise the preservation & conserve the coherence between nature and humanity. Maintaining the abiotic interest and interference of humans to a controllable level. Which ensures the durability and potency of the biome’s versatility, mutually appeasing both parties. To escape the apocalyptic possibilities of climate change, preventing the environmental calamity that may behold us.


  • 2019. Tundra: Mission: Biomes. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 22 Jul. 2019].
  • National Geographic Society. 2019. Tundra Facts and Information | National Geographic Society. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 22 Jul. 2019].
  • 2019. Efforts to Protect the Tundra | Sciencing. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 22 July 2019].
  • 2019. Human Uses of Tundra. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 22 July 2019].
16 August 2021
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