The Vitality of Trees: Exploring Their Importance to Our World

I don’t think I need to explain what a tree is. Trees are the most obvious remarkable plants you will see if you look outside. Trees have far much more to offer than the beauty they bring to the environment. If you hunger for knowledge about trees then this the importance of trees essay is your best hope to satisfy your want.

Parts of a Tree

Trees come in different shapes, colour and structures but they all have a common structure. Trees have a central column that we call the trunk which is covered by the bark. The trunk is the frame work that supports the branches and twigs which in turn support the leaves, flowers and fruits.The most important part of a tree is the roots which absorbs nutrients and water that the tree requires in order to survive.

What it Takes to Grow a Tree

Most people think that by just planting a tree seedling anywhere it would grow and flourish into a beautiful tree, in some cases maybe, but trees require sufficient sunlight, water, and nutrients. A small amount of a tree’s volume is actually living tissue almost 1%. The living part is thin films of cells under the bark (cambium) leaves, roots and flowers.

Home of Trees

Where do trees live? You can find a tree almost anywhere if you venture outside, different types of trees grow in different types of places depending on the conditions and climate that favour that specific type of tree. United states Forest Service defines its 20 major forest cover types in geographic maps showing where common trees are most often locate based on there frequency of occurrence. The maps indicate species of trees forming plurality of live-tree stocks in their range.

Trees and Their Seeds

Trees use seeds to usher in the next generation into the world, seeds carry the genetic material to be delivered from one generation to another. Although some trees can still be grown through propagation, but seed propagation is quite a tricky process for some specific tree species.The process of seed formation to dispersal then germination is a fascinating process. Try planting a tree today and enjoy this process as you learn to nature your own tree I promise its worth a try.

Importance of Trees

You can say that trees are a blessing in disguise because most people cant really seem to see the importance of trees. Even scientist haven’t unearthed all the potential advantages of trees from medicinal value, industrial value to environmental value. In fact trees are not just an important value to our lives they are an essential necessity to sustain human and animal life on this planet.


An increase in these gases causes the Earth to burn up overtime, hence the term “Global Warming”. As the Earth heats up, glaciers begin to melt, sea levels begin to rise, and less amounts of rain begins to fall on the planet. Subsequently, this leads to drought, floods, soil erosion, and various other natural disaster-type consequences. The importance of trees on the environment is revealed through these serious and very possible outcomes. Unfortunately we are already beginning to feel the effects of these disasters.

10 October 2022
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