The Life Stages Of The Famous Rapper & Songwriter Marshall Bruce Mathers (Eminem)

Marshall was born to Deborah R. Nelson and Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. on October the 17th 1972 in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Marshall was born a healthy baby with no issues. By 2 months he was able to lift his head up because of the muscle and bone development in his body. Ossification is the process in where the bones harden in a gradual transition. He started to walk at the age of around 9 months because according to the Baby Centre “Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12.” By 3 Marshall was able to speak a few basic words, walk and eat with supervising.

By 6 months, Marshall was able to grab things was his hand so he was using his brain to develop new skills. Babies at this stage have not developed their literacy properly. It takes skill for them to learn words. At the age of one he could say some small words such as mama. When babies are hungry or when they want comfort they cry. This is their form of communication. He was attached to his mother however his father left him when he was very young. He was also attached to his grandma because she also brought up Marshall when his mother left him for a while. At this stage they cry a lot to express their emotions such as if they are upset.

Around the age of 3 they are about to start school. They begin to use more complex words. Also they start to make friends at school. After the split with both parents, Debbie had another son called ‘Nate’ with another man. Physical development is increasing at this stage as they have an increase in weight and may have grown taller if eating right. Their hair grows thicker. They will be able to do things such as throw and catch a ball, dress themselves and brush their teeth. Trying to get muscle mass to fight away the bullies would have not worked because he would not stand a chance.

Children are able to group this into categories such as their colour, size and shape. They can solve problems and give descriptions of things like animals, humans and buildings. However, Marshall was bullied a lot which could have affected his intellectual development because according to Pathstone Mental Health Foundation “Stress and anxiety caused by bullying and harassment can make it more difficult for kids to learn. It can cause difficulty in concentration and decrease their ability to focus, which affects their ability to remember things they have learned.”

His mother, Deborah was not financially stable. Because of this both Marshall and his mother had to constantly move places which also made him move schools. As a young child this made him upset because he was losing a lot of good friends. Other than that he had a happy life. In "Brain Damage," Eminem raps, "I was harassed daily by this fat kid named DeAngelo Bailey. So every day he'd shove me in the lockers/ One day he came in the bathroom while I was p---in'/ And had me in the position and beat me into submission/ He banged my head against the urinal 'til he broke my nose/ Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat."

After losing good friends and being bullied, He had no friends to socialize with. He was bullied a lot in schools. Once he was put in hospital due to an altercation with another student. A picture taken from Wikipedia shows how the process takes place. This takes place in the physical stage of a baby. All of these components aid in movement for things like walking, lifting head and standing.

Childhood 4-9 years

In this stage, the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of a child changes as this table shows. The graph explains that from birth to about 5 years of age is where the most synapse formation takes place within the brain. A child's sight and hearing hits the highest point within the first 3 months after birth the responsive language and speech preparation hits the summit around 6 to 9 months and their higher intellectual function peaks around 2 to 3 years of age.

Adolescence 10-18 years

Both males and females start to hit puberty. Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a girl, the testes in a boy. (Wikipedia 30/09/18). Marshall on his 18th birthday.

Marshall’s physical development was still fine after the clash with the bully. A normal boy at this rate will hit puberty. Their voice becomes deeper, pubic hairs start to grow around the genitals, they begin to grow a beard and moustache, they start to sweat more and become taller. Muscle mass increases.

Their intellectual development changes. Teens start to think more complexly. They also think from different points of view, they can order thing according to number and alphabet. They can control their emotions and can form their own opinions such as what sport they like and why. In middle adolescence, they ask more questions and analyse situations differently. Considering careers is what they start to think about

As they grow they become more emotional. After his father left, he tried to keep in contact with him by writing letters, finding out where he lived. His father ignored him. This angered Marshall because he felt as if his father did want him. As a result of this he fell into a lot of depression and the fact that his mother was abusing drugs. His relationship with both parents was extremely weak.

This is what the Famous People said about him “Having developed a passion for rapping, at a young age of fourteen, he began by attending local open-mic competitions with friends Mike Ruby and Proof.” Marshall then came up with the name ‘M&M’ which he later changed to ‘Eminem.’ He would write long words or phrases on paper because he wanted them to rhyme and if they did not rhyme he would work on rhymes for each syllable. Sometimes the words did not make sense but the drill is what helped Eminem practice sounds and rhymes.

Marshall became a father to his daughter. As a father, emotions grow stronger because they worry about their child and how to raise them right. Not only for the child but their partner’s health and the development of their baby during pregnancy. Fathers want to protect their families from harm. After the robbery Marshall was extremely upset because he thought that he had failed as a father. Not only that but his wife, Kim, was in and out of jail multiple times. This made him angry with her because Marshall did not want his daughter growing up without a mother. Constant arguing led him to have a divorce with Kim.

Marshall wanted to become a rapper so he started writing a few pieces such as ‘Foolish pride’ and ‘Brain damage.’ For Him is was a bit hard to get into the rap scene as it was a predominantly a black scene. Marshall’s reputation got bigger because he was recruited by many rap groups. One of his first groups were the New Jacks. When they split up he joined Soul Intent. Together they released a single on their 1995 self-titled EP featuring Proof. Him and Proof then collaborated up with four other rappers to create The Dirty Dozen (D12). Creating their first album called Devil’s Night which was released in 2001.

He had his first Daughter Hailie with his girlfriend Kim in 1995. They got married in 1990. After settling in a new home, they decided to save up money for Hailie so that she could get into University. Unfortunately, they were robbed. Not once. Then they divorced in 2001 as things were not working out. Kim and Marshall briefly remarried in 2006 but then divorced again in the same year due to the same problems they were facing. Today he has become a very successful person and is worth $190 million.

11 February 2020
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