The Main Factors Affecting Human Longevity

Human beings have the desire to live for a maximum number of years on this planet while also enjoying a healthy life. The number of years that one can live is, however, dependent on several factors. Longevity is often defined as several years that a person can live. Usually, this is viewed as the life span of people under some set ideal conditions. Various researches have been undertaken to determine the average number of years that a person can live. Over the last century, lifespan has drastically increased. Mortality rate refers to the number of deaths that occur within a set population. Life expectancy differs from one country to another, owing to various factors. Among the highly developed countries, the US has the lowest life expectancy, with average life expectancy scoring at 78.54 years. When combined with other factors, the mortality rate can help in understanding the longevity among people and also the underlying factors that can elucidate the whole issue of longevity. The following are some essential factors that affect longevity.

The Role of Gender 

Gender is one of the significant factors that affect longevity among people. According to research, women live longer than males. This is also evidenced by the fact that the mortality of men is usually higher than that of females in each category. For instance, in the United States, the life expectancy of men is generally at 76.4, while the life expectancy for women stands at 81.2 years. This is quite symbolic in expressing the relationship between gender and longevity. Further research on the same reveals that men and women have different traits that contribute to the differences in their life expectancies. Other studies show that the gaps between the life expectancies of these two genders are a result of behaviors that are associated with these genders.

Genetic Factors 

According to Diener & Chan, genetic competition plays a vital role in shaping the longevity of people. A study reveals that some hereditary genes found in some people are responsible for causing some diseases in human beings. With some of these diseases lacking proper treatment plans, most people end up losing their lives to these diseases. Some of these diseases include heart diseases, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, among many other diseases. When a person is born in a family born of a family with such conditions, there is the likelihood of a person developing such diseases at one point to life, and this is attributed to the genes shared. Cancer is one of the diseases that has been named as one of the major leading causes of death, and it is mainly associated with various factors among the genetic composition of a person that is mainly hereditary.

The Impact of Education

Education is another exciting factor that has been researched and believed to impact on the longevity of human beings. According to the research conducted by Hall and Peterson, high education level leads to a higher life expectancy. This is explained with respect to the higher chances of having a better chance of higher socioeconomic status, which are all linked with increased longevity. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a man with a bachelor’s degree, has a higher longevity of 9.3 years more than a man without a high school diploma. CDC also reports that women with high school diplomas have 8.6 years less than their counterparts with bachelor’s degrees or higher. Education level, therefore, has a significant impact on affecting longevity. With respect to choices made by people, research also reveals that people with education are less likely to experience some lifestyle diseases such as obesity and tobacco use.

Status and Nationality 

Migrant status or ethnicity is also another critical factor that affects the longevity of human beings. People from some ethnic groups are believed to have a higher life expectancy as compared to others. According to the centers for disease control (CDC), in research done in the year 2011, Hispanic people had the highest. The data revealed both male and female to have a life expectancy for Hispanic females was about 83.7 years as compared to non-Hispanic females who have a significantly lower life expectancy. With respect to the migrant statuses, research shows that migrant’s life expectancy is highly associated with socioeconomic conditions. It is also reported that the mortality rate of immigrants is significantly higher than those of the people in their countries. This is explained by the socioeconomic issues that face immigrants in a foreign country.

The Quality of Health Care Program 

The longevity of people is also affected by the healthcare system put in place in various countries. According to research, the health care system plays a vital role in ni saving lives through both preventative and curative measures. When people get sick, the part of the healthcare system comes in here. A sound healthcare system has a lower mortality rate as compared to those countries that do not have a well-organized healthcare system. Developing countries are said to have some of the poorly organized healthcare systems, the relations of healthcare systems is evidenced by the low life expectancy in these countries as compared to those developed countries that have some of the best healthcare systems. Healthcare in the United States is one of the most healthcare in the world, but this has not matched the quality. In fact, life expectancy in the United States is the lowest amongst the most developed countries in the world.

The Presence of a Family

Marital status is another important factor that affects longevity in human being, according to research, married people are expected to have a higher life expectancy than the single ones. Good marriage ensures good mental health as compared to the health of the people who have never married, widowed, or divorces. Various researches reveal the committed marriages helps in improving cardiac health. These relationships also help in combating loneliness and isolation that usually have negative impacts on one’s mental health. People who are married are also said to live healthier lives by keeping regular checks with the doctors and also having to forego some unhealthy behaviors that may endanger their lives. This, therefore, supports the idea that married people are more likely to live longer than those who are single, widowed, or divorced.

The Type of Lifestyle

Lifestyles also affect the longevity of a person. According to research, some lifestyles exposed one to various risks that may be life-threatening if not well managed. Usually, some health conditions such as obesity are highly associated with lifestyle behaviors such as what one eats and also the choice on whether to keep one’s body active on inactive. Necessarily, obesity as one of the health conditions that result from life choices may lead to other complications such as diabetes, stroke, and heart diseases. Some of these diseases are dangerous and have a high mortality rate and therefore, can impact the longevity of a person.


In modern societies, where pandemics have affected every aspect of human life, this is another factor that is more likely to affect the longevity of people. Today, the upsurge in the spread of COVID 19 has threatened human life. With daily infections exponentially increasing, people with an already pre-existing medical condition and the old age are at a higher risk of contracting the deadly virus. Morality rates in the country seem to be inclined to the old age and also the people with other pre-existing medical conditions. The impacts of this virus lead to increased mortality rate and lower life expectancy as the old age are more prone to the viruses that the young age.   

07 July 2022
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