The Principles Of Good Practice Within The Training Centre

This essay will explain the principles of good practice based on the values identified within a care worker upon which interactions within the training centre for young adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues and require medication.

Good practice is an action that has been proven to work well on the service user and produce good results. One of the essentials of good practice could include the promotion of equality and diversity. Equality means ensuring everyone in your care setting has equal opportunities regardless of their abilities or disabilities however diversity means valuing differences between people and treating people’s cultures, religions and beliefs with respect. For example; in the training centre, Mohammed who is 16 years old has recently joined the centre, he suffers from autism and bipolar disorder. Mohammed has speech difficulties and experiences changes in their moods; despite the conditions that he suffers from he’s a very religious boy. He likes going to the mosque every day for daily prayers however the centre is owned by Catholic Church believers (Christians). The centre has a church and they hold services every Sunday. In this case the centre should provide equal services by providing a room for Mohammed to conduct his prayers in order to respect his religious belief and treat him equally to adhere to the (Equality Act 2010).

Additionally, Confidentiality is another example of good practice in a care setting. This is the act of protecting personal information between a practitioner and a service user. For example; in a training centre, Mary is 16 years old. She suffers from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She attends the training centre during the day because both her parents work. Mary is a very cheerful girl and friendly, she shares her personal life with Judy her carer. She had told her that she has a boyfriend nevertheless Judy has been noticing she has been having depression and stress of late. Judy asks Mary to share her problem with her. Mary discloses that her uncle raped her and she has missed her monthly periods. She pleads with Mary not to share this information because her uncle is going to kill her. Judy maintained confidentiality not sharing Mary has a boyfriend even so in this situation Mary is in danger and could be pregnant, Judy has to breach confidentiality. Judy should go and report this information to the manager for proper investigation to be conducted although the manager should be careful with how they handle the matter because this could bring serious consequences to Mary.

Moreover, safeguarding and effective communication, this are regarded as the morals of good practice in a care setting. Safeguarding is the act of protecting a client form harm however communication skills allow you to understand and be understood by others, furthermore effective communication skills is the act of giving and receiving information, active listening in conversations in order to give positive feedback. For example, Russ is 18years old, He is a day scholar at the training centre. He suffers from anxiety. Russ is easily influenced by people around him. He has met new friends around his neighbourhood. Due to peer pressure, he has started smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol. The centre management therefore advices Russ parents to talk him into becoming a full boarder at the centre to avoid him from meeting his friends who are bad company to him. Russ parents accept talk him into it and he accepts. In this case, the information from the manager was effective to Russ health and wellbeing, because it’s protecting him from severe health problems and more harm.

Secondly, these principles of good practice can have impacts on the service users in the training centre for young adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues and require medication. Promoting equality and diversity is one of the principles of good practice in a care setting because it helps ensure everyone has an equal opportunity and prevent discrimination. For example; in a training centre, Ahmed is Jewish and 16 years old, he suffers from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Pork is forbidden in his religion. The training centre food timetable serves pork every Friday but people who are vegetarians have their special diet. Therefore the centre should organise and have Ahmed served kosher foods. By doing so this will ensure that every individual with different needs has equal options and respecting his religious beliefs.

Moreover, confidentiality is another principle of good practice in care. This could have a positive impact by creating a good relationship between the service user and the carer. For instance; Diana is 17 years old, she’s a service user at the local training centre for young adults. Diana suffers from depression. She decides to share her problem with her personal carer Vienna. Diana tells Vienna that she gave up her first child for adoption because she was unable to look after her. In this case, Vienna should keep this piece of information confidential because it can’t cause any harm to Diana. Vienna keeping this information confidential will make Diana build trust in her and be able to open up and share her problems however at times when the service user is at risk of getting harmed the care worker must breach confidentially to protect the service user from harm as stated in Duty of care.

Besides, Safeguarding and effective communication is an essential moral of good practice of a care worker. Safeguarding could have a positive impact by preventing the risk of significant harm, neglect or abuse on the service user however effective communication could equally have a positive impact by increasing productivity. For example; in a training centre for young adults, Brandon is 18 years old. He suffers from psychosis and dyslexia. He attends Maths and English classes every Monday and Friday. Brandon feels excluded and discriminated because of his inability to participate in the lesson and doesn’t want to attend the lesson anymore. The academic organisation should therefore provide him with a one to one who will help Brandon during reading activities in the lesson, this will help him feel safe and prevent abuse like mockery from the other students in the class. Furthermore if the one to one teacher helps Brandon with class activities this will help Brandon learn how to read and write making him be productive.

Thirdly, the contribution of a care worker to promoting anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care; this is treating people equally in order to be fair. For example, a variety of people in a training centre for young adults prefers having meals from outside because the meals there are healthier dishes and vegetables that do not taste good. Mary who is a 16 year old has cerebral palsy. She dislikes all the food menus that are cooked in the centre, so she gets to choose what she wants to have for lunch and dinner. Mary chooses junk food on a daily base. It’s her right to choose whatever she wants to eat and not discriminated against because of her condition however eating the junkies every day is a satisfaction to her but it will eventually affect her more and it is not good for her condition because she needs to eat healthy foods to make her bones strong. Ruth a carer in the centre approaches Mary and tells her that eating junk food is not good for her “especially because of her condition” which is very true but the problem with telling her is she took it personal and felt bad, although that was not Ruth’s intention to make her feel awful.

Finally, one of the roles and responsibilities to support meeting the equality objectives of the training centre for young adults with learning disabilities, and mental health issues that require medication is being inclusive as the care worker. For example; Jay is 14 years old. He’s autistic; he doesn’t interact with other students. During activities he prefers solitary play. As a care worker, I would set up group activities in order to include Jay in the activity. Another role and responsibility to support equality objectives could be taking active steps to challenge discrimination and harassment. For example; Brian is African-Nigerian, he suffers from bipolar disorder. He often gets angry and starts hitting his head on the floor and breaks anything that he gets hold of. I notice that his personal carer who is British has been restraining him is barbaric. As a professional carer, I would keep a close watch on this co-worker and if it repeats itself I would report this to the manager because harassment and discrimination is unacceptable in all workplaces.

Last but not the least, another role and responsibility to support meeting the equality objectives is supporting the manager in their effective implementation. For example; supporting the manager in dismissing and withdrawing the licences of any care worker who is reported of any discriminatory and harassing practices at the training centre for young adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues.


  1. Confidentiality, C. (2019). Consequences of a Breach of Confidentiality. [online] UpCounsel. Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
  2. (2019). Equality and diversity – what’s the difference? | Unionlearn. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019]. (2019). Duty of care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
01 February 2021
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