Things In Law School To Become A Successful Lawyer

I still remember, why I opted law as my career. The very first reason of choosing law was my keen interest in History and Civics. In my school days. I always had the curiosity to learn more about law. Its implementation in our day to day life and in our governance. There is no better field than law to learn and explore about everything around us.

Another reason for choosing this field is my habit of putting thoughts forward and to contribute something for the sake of the society. It’s my dream to open an NGO for the orphan. The celebrated inventor Thomas Edison is well known for his statement: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”.

Because of these reasons I believed that I could become a Lawyer. Then I went to a Law School. Away from my home and it was really a big challenge for me. Now after completing 2 and a half year in Law School I believe I know how to spend my Law school years wisely. Initially it was very tough for me to manage being away from my comfort zone and adjust to hostel life. I never knew how I would fit in this environment. It was very jarring for me to finding out faults in everything as I supposed to be a Law student or not. I was not only the one realizing it but every other student thought the same. Thomas Henry Huxley once said “perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the things you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man’s training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly”.

I started believing that in college life, both curricular and extra – curricular activities are equally important for all round development. Being a budding Lawyer, one should know that the more and more exposure you get, the more your inter-personal skills will develop.

One should know and do certain things in Law school to become a successful Lawyer and to enhance their inter- personal skills:

Internship: internship provides nuances of Law and practical exposure. By doing internship in courts or Law firm one gets to know about Laws that are implemented practically. It makes you understand every aspect of Law, its function and trial. One can learn many things and it develops communication skills, boosts confidence and gives valuable work experience.

Doing Internships in Courts gives us experience of litigation of cases and doing internship in corporate sector or Law firm’s gives you experience about how Laws are implemented in the corporate sector.

Conferences: you will get many chances to attend conferences both at National and International platform on various topics and present research paper in these conferences. Which will enhance your communication skills, fortify your professional experience, your professional connection with people and one gets to learn new things and get new experience related to the sector.

Contribution to society: there are various foundations and NGO who work for the society like Teach India Foundation with whom Law aspirants should associate to work for the welfare of society.

Teach India Foundation society is a welfare society which works to eradicate the education crisis in India. Be humble, it send a signal to those around you that you are open to receiving the gift of their knowledge and listening to what they have to say. A meaningful life is made up of a series of daily acts of decency and kindness, which, ironically, add up to something truly great over the course of a lifetime.

Presenting papers, legal research and publishing articles: presenting research papers and doing legal research reduce your fear of public speaking and increase your knowledge and research aptitude. Preparation and practice and the two major things in the field of Law that will motivate you for speaking before anyone and offer you a regular forum to practice in front of a group, you will soon- manage your fear and eventually master it.

Moot courts: participating in Moot Court is something one must do while being in a Law school. As it strengthens advocacy skills, boosts confidence. One gets to know about the practical implementation of Law. Moot court is done at every level like Intra moot court competitions, National, International moot court competitions and you get a huge exposure. It enhances your debating skills and widens your horizons. You come across various Laws to solve Moot propositions, you get to know how to do team work.

Para legal: Law students can become Para Legal and can assist clients regarding some information. They learn to prepare Legal documents, do Research, drafting cases, legal outsourcing, court visits.

Sports activity: one should seek overall academic excellence should be active in sports too. Being a Law student you should always be punctual, regular, and honest because these qualities will always help in your career.

Law aspirant need to adjust their schedule to become more productive and creative. One should learn to accept their flaws and work to overcome them. I believe that it’s okay to get outside of your comfort zone because real life starts at the end of comfort zone. Law studies enhance your personality, along with your confidence, leadership skills and communication skills. It includes utilizing every other opportunity which would be beneficial for you. That opportunity may come in the form of writing journals, presenting research paper, mooting, debating, attending Model United Nation (MUN) and Youth Parliament, managing events like legal fiesta, college fest etc.

Montaigne said, “The great and glorious masterpiece of men is to live to the point”. The sanity of life so shortly expressed. Being a student one should be focused on what they have to achieve. Their goal should be set and their actions should be congruent to this goal, and passion for life. You must keep on setting higher targets. Law school life is all about assignment, presentation, internships, and exams. And college fest which includes programs like ethnic day, cultural nights, fresher and farewell party.

Being a Law student one should make a good rapport amongst their fellow classmates, seniors and teachers and should avoid in indulging in things which are not good for them, in college life. A good company is indeed a very important part of college life, finding such friends with whom we are compatible, who boosts our confidence and uplift us.

I read somewhere “that we learn from our most difficult experiences” these line fairly applies in the life of Law students. Discover your calling. You should ask question to yourself like, how can I find greater meaning in my life? How can I make a lasting contribution through my work? And how can I work better so that I can enjoy the journey of life?

Make the best out of these 5 years of life to be remembered for a life time. So be gentler to yourself and see life for what it really is: a path of self-discovery, personal growth and lifelong learning. Build your C.V and never run away from your responsibilities and work. I expect that my article helped you as a Law aspirant.

11 February 2020
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