Types, Causes And Ways To Prevent Violence Against Women


This paper is about violence against women. Many women suffer from rape, murder, and assault daily. A lot of times it goes unreported. In this essay, it covers the percentage of women that do not report spousal rape because they believe it is not actual rape. I go through the different types of abuse and what could be possible triggers. It gives statistics of women suffering from physical, emotional, domestic and sexual abuse. The violence against women act is addressed and history is given about it. Ways to prevent any abuse with education at a young age and teaching gender equality is a solid point in this essay. If someone finds themselves in an abusive situation, they need a safe way out, so we cover a few things about escaping safely. Different ways to cope after an abuse with therapy and support groups is another important part covered. Followed up with my conclusion.


Women having to deal with abuse is a dilemma all over the world. When looking at statistics, they revealed that one out of every three women have suffered from abuse. Some said that they had been forced into sex, and some said they were verbally and physically abused. Most victims know their attackers and rarely report the crime. Most attackers claim that alcohol influenced their actions and that they were not in control. 

What Defines Violence?

According to the American Psychological Association violence can be defined as an extreme form of aggression. Aggression is a hostile attitude towards others and can often lead to abuse. Abuse can be physical, emotional, domestic, and sexual in nature. It can include but is not limited to assault, rape, or murder (Kathryn Patricelli, n.d.). There are several explanations as to why a violent episode may be triggered. It can be related to a violent upbringing, frustration, mental illness and it has also been linked to drug use.

Physical Abuse 

Physical abuse is a violent crime where an abuser will likely punch, kick, and assault the victim on purpose resulting in injury, and pain (Natasha Tracy, 2016). The statistics show that two in three women are physically abused with the majority of the abuse coming from their spouse. Research confirms that one in seven women have reported being injured by their partner. Many women that suffer from physical abuse often have long term physical and mental health problems. Physical abuse is not something that a lot of women walk away from alive. Statistics say one in four women have been victims of being burned or strangled and 94% of homicides due to physical violence are female. Many women are killed before they have the chance to get out, or if they do make it out and get a restraining order the abuser still finds them. Research says one in seven women have reported being stalked to the point they were fearful for their life.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a form of verbal abuse. The abuser will likely try to manipulate the victim by yelling, degrading, and humiliating them (Crisis Text Line, 2019). Research shows that 35% of all women who are in a committed relationship have at one point experienced emotional abuse. The victims start to feel worthless and their self-confidence plummets. Statistics say that 1000 women 15 years and older have experienced emotional abuse growing up (Statistics on Emotional Abuse, n.d.). Gas lighting is also a form of emotional abuse. Gaslighting is where the abuser will make the victim feel as if they are crazy. It can cause depression, anxiety, and the victim might even go as far as trying to commit suicide.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is a controlling behavior that is severely dangerous and life threatening. On a typical day the nationwide domestic violence hotline receives 20,000 calls reporting abuse. The homicide rate with domestic violence increases by 500% with couples who own a gun (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d). Domestic abuse is not just about physical violence, but it is a mixture of all types of abuse, emotional, physical, and sexual. Most of the time it turns into a very violent situation and the victim is stalked and harassed by their spouse. Domestic violence is most common among women aged 18-34. While only 34% of those women seek medical help when they are injured.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual contact perpetrated on a victim by an abuser (Kathryn Patricelli, n.d). Research shows that one in ten women have been raped by an intimate partner and one in five women have been raped in their lifetime. Almost half of all women raped, were raped by someone they know.Research shows that one in two women have experienced other sexual violence that was not rape. An intimate partner is more likely to commit rape then a stranger in order to try and cause injury. Statistics say that 18% of spousal rape victims say that their children were present and witnessed the crime. Only 36% of all rapes will be reported and spousal rape is reported even less. Spousal rape is one of the least sexual assault cases to be reported because most do not believe it is rape if they are married.

Violence Against Women

There are many traits and predictors for an abusive situation. Heavy alcohol use, possessiveness, borderline personality traits, and poverty are just some of the contributing factors for violence against women. Disorders that cause disruptive moods and lack of self-control often are linked to abuse. Many studies have shown that alcohol could play a part in lowering serotonin levels which help with self-control. Some people believe that gives the attacker an excuse for their actions and others believe alcohol or not, they are at fault.

Heavy Alcohol Use

Alcohol intoxication has been linked to higher rates of violence. Statistics show that 55% of all women victims believed their attacker had been using alcohol prior to the crime. Studies have said that the use of alcohol affects physical and cognitive functions therefore reducing one’s self-control. Researchers have also found a solid link among extreme alcohol use and the act of violence against their partner. Other researchers have stated that the perpetrator was using alcohol as an excuse for their crime (Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol, 2006).


Possessiveness is when someone takes ownership over something or someone. Most women report that their spouse showed possessive traits prior to the actual physical abuse. Perpetrators interrogate their spouse, they control who she can see and when she can see them. They believe they own their wife and begin to take over everything little by little. The women start to slowly lose their identity and try to do whatever it takes to please their abuser.

Borderline Personality Traits

Borderline personality disorder is a disorder where an individual has difficulty regulating their emotions. Nearly 1.6% of all adults have borderline personality disorder. However, with all the misdiagnoses with PTSD and other disorders with men, that number may be as high as 5.9%. Research shows that men account for 25% of all diagnosed cases of BPD. They have episodes of uncontrolled anger, irritability, and anxiety among many other symptoms. If left untreated BPD can be very dangerous and it has been linked to violence against women. Research shows that Borderline personality disorder is a huge red flag in several different types of abuse including sexual, psychological, and physical abuse.


Women living in poverty are at a high risk for violent and life-threatening assault. In America 116 million women ages 15-24 did not complete school due to violence causing poor performance and increased drop out rates. The age of the woman when she gets married also plays a part in the extent of how violent and heinous the violence becomes. Many children that are born into a young marriage often do not get the education they need and end up living in poverty. Living in poverty and not having the money for a place to stay or money for food and clothes does not allow a woman the chance to flee from the abuse. Therefore, leaving them in a very hostile situation.

What Can We Do?

The question is always the same when it comes to violence against a woman or anyone for that matter. What can we do to decrease violence against women, how can we help these women led a positive and successful life on their own? What resources are available to them and how could they prevent ever being in that situation in the first place?


Not all the time but most of the time we can prevent being in a dangerous situation we just miss the red flags. We should start trying to prevent violence against women at an early age. We should teach our boys how to be respectful of women, and how to use self-control. Our women need education on what to do and what to look for in a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Our kids should be taught gender equality, not that one gender is better than the other.

Providing a safe way out

Abuse is never alright, and no one should have to deal with such a hostile environment. When leaving a threatening situation there are several things to be done to ensure safety. Call the police, keep any and all evidence of abuse, and take pictures. Pictures of bruises, cuts and other injuries can be used in court and help to obtain a protection order. Tell someone what is happening and secretly have a place to go if possible. If there is not a safe place to go, call the women’s shelters and try to get in one. Try to have a secret savings for when escaping is an option.

Therapy and Support

Therapy for violence is a necessity. Women who experience violence most likely will have long term mental health problems and might even consider harming themselves. Joining a support group might also help just by knowing other women have went through the same thing and can share their stories and relate to each other. There are several licensed therapist and support groups in the area that can help. They talk with the victim at their own pace and give coping mechanisms that might just save the life of a woman who had no hope left. They also strive to let the victim know that they did absolutely nothing wrong.


Violence against women is a huge problem around the world dating back for quite some time. The statistics showed us that one in five women have been raped in their lifetime and one in ten of those raped were attacked by their spouse. Of the victims that were raped by their husbands, 18% of them said that their children were present during the attack. Violence does not just have to be sexual abuse it also includes others such as physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. The perpetrator can be an intimate partner or a stranger, but it happens more with someone the victim knows (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). There must be some way to end violence against women altogether, yet we still have not found that answer and it still occurs frequently.


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16 August 2021
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