Values and Personal Credo Examples

Qualities are the properties that shape who we are as a person. There are many qualities which can change throughout life and there are ones which I believe will accompany us in our lifetime. As far as I am concerned, some qualities such as having high sense of responsibility, being empathetic and boasting good communication skills could help our class to succeed. In personal credo essay examples of my values are given, so lets discuss how they can be reflected with studying in Loma Linda University. 

The first and the foremost, responsibility is one of the most important traits that I possess. A responsible person is one who is punctual, does his/her objectives on time and does so in an organized fashion. I prefer when plans are concrete and to the point. This helps me to stay on top of my task, and it often enables me to finish most of the projects ahead of time. Although I place a great amount of emphasis on organization and scheduling, I also find that a some degree of flexibility is needed. For instance, there might be times when things do not go according to the plans and I need to quickly adapt to the current situation. Hence, I always try to factor flexibility into my work plans. Secondly, my sense of responsibility increased even more when I started working as a lecturer in Yerevan State Medical University. In my belief the associate professor should have high sense of responsibility, since he is one, who combines in one character many pivotal traits, and the responsibility is on top of that list.

Second and equally crucial point is that I consider myself to be an empathic person. Empathy is a trait which helps us to place ourselves in others’ perspective to understand their needs, motivations, and emotions better, and we can use that understanding to help people more accurately in their needs. Whether you are a student, researcher, doctor or faculty, empathy is an essential quality for everyone to develop. An empathetic person has an open heart, and by that I mean that we let others to fully trust ourselves, express their emotions and thoughts as freely as possible and doing so we try to understand and evaluate their emotional status.

In addition to the two above mentioned points, my experience will help me to succeed at school and will aid faculty and school to overcome various issues. Initially, as I have engaged in teaching and know how crucial relationships between students and faculty and classmates are, I can regulate and manage diverse contradictory situations which can arise during classes. I am dealing with students who have different traits and behavior and I know how to cooperate with them and help them to reach and maintain good relationships within the team. I am regulating the “Children’s Health” program of Yerevan State Medical University, and we periodically arrange lectures with clinical residents. Moreover, my experience in researches and in community work would be helpful as well. I am always ready and happy to take part in community services and activities.

In conclusion, I would like to briefly mention those characteristics, which would be beneficial for Loma Linda University if I am accepted. High sense of responsibility will help me to be extremely accurate in everything, my empathetic personality will contribute to friendly atmosphere in class and my experience will promote handling different issues inside and outside of class. My credo is to be honest in my relationships with others. Be honest with yourself, with others, and with God at all times.  

29 July 2023
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