Verbal Abuse Isn't Less Harmful That a Physical One

Cassandra Giovannim, the author of the famous book “Flawed Perfection” wisely quotes that: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words they’ll destroy me”. This quote clearly shows how harmful and painful verbal abuse is. When listening the word “pain” people mostly think about physical one. Yet, most of the people suffer more from emotional pain. Now what’s emotional or verbal abuse? And why it should be given the same exposure as physical abuse? It’s an act that may diminish the sense of identity, dignity and other self-worth. What people don’t know is that the effects of verbal abuse are numerous and uncountable, and it may be considered worse than physical abuse because it causes decrease in self-esteem, mental and brain disorders and in in worst case scenario it can ruin someone’s daily life.

Words could hurt much more than we think they do. And that’s why the tongue is considered an awesome weapon, it can destroy someone’s life and reputation. It may lead so splits among people and even communities.

Wondering why it lowers the victim’s self-esteem? Ill tell you why. The most famous forms of verbal abuse are calling names, yelling or swearing and all these do nothing but to bring someone down and let the feeling of worthlessness control them. And that exactly what Dale Bagshaw states in his interview with Body & Soul where he mentioned that the different forms of emotional abuse have long lasting effects on self-esteem as the victim tend to keep on repeating the words in hisher mind years after the bruises have healed.

So instead of using this weapon as a way to destroy someone you can learn that it could be a medicine if the words where supportive, motivational and encouraging.

Secondly, According to the New York University Medical Center verbal abuse may damage pieces of the brain just like the physical abuse, as the chronic stress that the victim suffer from may lead to a form of trauma that secret hormones responsible for the stress. Not to forget to mention that children are the ones who suffer mentally the most as they’re the ones who need support and encouragement the most and the ones who got effected by the verbal abuse.

Finally, people should be aware that there are great effects to verbal abuse, such as suffering from PTSD which is Post Truamatic Stress Disorder that victims of verbal abuse mostly suffer from. In addition to that, emotional abuse can lead to drug addiction, or suicide.

Pay attention to what you say. You have a weapon use it right. Your words may even lift someone up and you be part of changing this persons life to the better or you can destroy them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.


  • Bar, L.(2016, June 17) Verbal Abuse can leave scars. Body and soul 
  • Pechtel, P. & Pizzagali, D. (2010, SEP. 24) Effects of early life stress on cognitive and affective functions. Pscychophemocology.
29 April 2022
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