Women's Impact On A Profession In The Article "Female Power"

The article “Female Power”, by The Economist, discusses a women's impact on a profession and her importance in a family as a mother. Women taking place in jobs is one of the most important revolutions in the past 50 years. According to people, women or housewives that take care of their children and husbands after their work; whereas nowadays they are people who have orders in society such as Mrs. Clinton. Women at workplaces has many advantages and disadvantages.

The appearance of women suddenly in jobs made their wages substantially less as they have no previous experience. This distinction made men more pride, therefore, making sexism more casual. As more women started to interfere in many professions, this interference revolutionized their standing among their men colleagues and outdated sexism. The increasing number of women at workplaces added more feelings to what they do making interactions between employees smoother.

Even though men and women became more even, men still had more control in the manufacturing sector as women are physically less capable. "In 1966 40% of American women who received a BA specialized in education in college; 2% specialized in business and management. The figures are now 12% and 50%. Women only continue to lag seriously behind men in handful of subjects such as engineering and computer sciences, where they earned about one-fifth of degrees in 2006 (125)."

Nowadays as men became more open minded, they became more comfortable with women's wages being more than their own and found that women's interference in a profession made a positive development either in the job or in preserving the standards of their families and living. Even though women increase the monetary value of their families, they have decreased the mother-child interaction among new generations; therefore, women must choose between careers and motherhood.

Mother's absence from home may allow the rise to many problems such as mixed emotions resulting in anger or even physical aggressions. This increased harshness may affect how the child interacts with his mother and maybe makes him see her as an extra statue at home. As a response to this problem many countries such as Germany are introducing a "parent's salary" to improve the family's income and encourage the mother to spend more time with her children. This response shows that motherhood is a job that not only affects how children are raised up, but also how these children revolutionize and improve their country.

"The Scandinavian countries, particularly Iceland, have added a further wrinkle by increasing incentives for fathers to spend more time caring for their children (127)." This law will increase the "well-being" of children, and this also proves how important the role of a mother or even the closeness of a family towards children and their future.

As a result, decreasing the insufficiency of child-care. The appearance of women in jobs made three out of four men lose their jobs making some families with both parents unemployed. The absence of mothers from home exposes the children to many psychological and sometimes physical issues. Female power is not how strong a woman is at work, but it is how her children prove themselves towards society and improve it.


The Economist. "Female Power". Pages Apart. Edited by Abir Ward et al. Beirut: Arab Printing Press, 2018. P. 122-131.

03 December 2019
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