Analysis Of Rebecca Matysek’S Atricle On The Office Show

The Office is the best show out there, according to A show filled with laughter, office romance, and tons of awkward moments. It consists of day to day life of a typical “American” 9-5 workday. What makes this show so captivating is the lack of a laughing track which forces the audience to pay attention every detail of the show. It's filled with subtle jokes which can be easily overlooked. This is what makes the show so timeless.

The Office is a show that is a “mockumentary” on a group of typical office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and tedium, according to It takes you through the lives of all the characters throughout the show whether it's about a lonely, child-minded, offensive boss or the lives of an onscreen couple. There are thirteen reasons on why it claims that. One would be the character of Dwight K. Schrute…. He is notorious for his lack of social skills and common sense, his love for martial arts and the justice system, and his office rivalry with his co-worker, Jim Halpert. One way the author persuades his readers is through the use of logic or in other words, Logos. The Author states “It has won over forty five awards for television programming, including an Emmy for outstanding comedy series in 2006.” Yes, getting an Emmy is great but wouldn't you rather get a dundee?

Another fact that the author states is “It was one of NBC’s highest rated shows. Even when later seasons dropped in ratings, the show was still one of NBC's highest rated shows. In October 2011, it was reported that it cost $178,840 per 30 second commercial, the most for any NBC scripted series, according to Pathos was greatly used in the author’s article, “The Office is the best show out there”. The Author strives to say that its hilarious content is so astounding, that you could watch it again and again, and still cry from laughter! The love story between Jim and Pam was amazing! The story of how a receptionist’s engagement with another coworker broke, leading her to, I guess you can say, the man of her dreams...that's some serious love story sh***! Pam and Jim’s relationship undergoes trouble and heartbreak which draws viewers in because it shows that no relationship is perfect. Viewers tend to be attracted to shows in which they can relate to.

The article is written by Rebecca Matysek, a senior at Downers Grove South High school. As a student she does not have any qualifications that would make her a credible source. The author does not provide any counter arguments against her viewpoint. The article was based primarily on opinions over actual facts. The lack of qualifications and facts clearly states that the author wrote off a bias. Although the author of the article is not the most credible source, she incorporated facts along with her opinions to support her argument.

The Office is able to maintain a high rating years after its final airing because it appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. The awkwardness and unconventional method of filming draws viewers in because they are able to relate to the everyday lives of these American workers. The article appeals to logos through the utilization of statistics to defend the high ratings of the show. Additionally the author appeals to pathos by mentioning Pam and Jim’s love story because no show is complete without a romantic element. Overall the author’s article was able to properly appeal to pathos and logos to defend her thesis but did not have the credibility.

11 February 2020
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