Luck Is A Matter Of Preparation Meeting Opportunity


Luck is often seen as a mystical force that determines the success or failure of individuals. However, a closer examination reveals that luck is not simply a matter of chance, but rather a result of preparation meeting opportunity. This concept suggests that luck is not random, but rather a product of one's actions and readiness to seize opportunities. In this essay, we will explore how preparation and opportunity intersect to create luck in various aspects of life.

The Intersection of Preparation and Opportunity in Various Life Domains

For high school, college, and university students, academic success is a common goal. While some may attribute their achievements to luck, a closer look reveals that it is often a result of preparation meeting opportunity. Students who dedicate time and effort to study, engage with their coursework, and seek additional resources are more likely to perform well in exams and assignments. When the opportunity to showcase their knowledge arises, these well-prepared students are more likely to succeed. Their preparation positions them to take advantage of opportunities, which others may perceive as luck.

Advancing in one's career is another area where luck often seems to play a significant role. However, those who have achieved success in their professional lives understand that luck is a byproduct of preparation meeting opportunity. Individuals who invest in their skills, network, and continuously seek growth opportunities position themselves for career advancements. When an opportunity for a promotion or a promising job offer arises, those who have prepared themselves are more likely to be considered lucky. Their readiness to seize the opportunity sets them apart from others who may not have made the same level of preparation.

Luck also plays a role in personal relationships, including friendships and romantic partnerships. While it may seem that some individuals have an innate ability to form meaningful connections, the truth is that luck in relationships is often a result of preparation meeting opportunity. People who invest time and effort in developing their interpersonal skills, actively seek out social opportunities, and show genuine interest in others are more likely to form strong relationships. When the opportunity to connect with someone who shares their values and interests arises, these individuals are perceived as lucky. However, their luck is a direct result of the preparation they put into cultivating meaningful relationships.

Entrepreneurs often face uncertainties and risks, leading some to believe that success in entrepreneurship is a matter of luck. However, successful entrepreneurs understand that luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity. Those who meticulously plan their business strategies, conduct market research, and adapt to changing circumstances increase their chances of success. When the right opportunity presents itself, these well-prepared entrepreneurs are in a position to seize it and turn it into a successful venture. Their ability to recognize and capitalize on opportunities is what sets them apart from others who may not have adequately prepared for the challenges of entrepreneurship.


In conclusion, luck is not a mystical force that whimsically determines our lives. Instead, luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. Whether it's academic success, career advancement, personal relationships, or entrepreneurship, those who prepare themselves and remain open to opportunities are more likely to experience what others perceive as luck. By investing time and effort in their goals, continuously learning and growing, and actively seeking out opportunities, individuals can create their own luck. The intersection of preparation and opportunity is where luck truly comes into play. So, let us embrace the idea that we can shape our own luck by being prepared to make the most of the opportunities that come our way.

02 August 2023
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