Mexican Revolution Vs. French Revoltion

Karl Marx said, “Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!” (brainyquote) Revolutions have happened all over the globe and at different stages of history. These revolutions usually happen when the government doesn’t adhere to the needs of its citizens. Two examples of this situation occurring are the Mexican and French Revolutions.

The Mexican and French Revolution both have some comparenses and some dissimilarities. They both had leaders, had issues that they held against the government, but both revolutions took place at different times and one country had a president while the other had a king. Porfirio Diaz was a Mexican general and politician who was President of Mexico for seven terms from 1876 to 1911. Diaz had big objectives for Mexico to construct a more balanced government. As Mexico developed, financially and structurally, offshore motion pictures invested in the region. The money from the movies aided Porfirio to construct oil fields, highways, and railroads. Although these aided to improve Mexico, they were also apart of a Diaz downfall. The community in control became rich, while the others became poor. The wealthy and poor no longer desired the offshore investments. On August 23, 1754, in Versailles, France, Louis XVI was born. He ruled as King of France, after the death of his grandfather Louis XV. At twenty years old, he received a government that was in deep debt.

The community was entrenched with privilege causing it to affect the political economic, economic, and social reforms that were needed to solve the monarchy’s financial problems and to keep up with the changes in the economy and society. The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, with a rebellion, that was commanded by Francisco opposing Porfirio Diaz. The revolution eventually alternated from a rebellion opposing the entrenched arrangement to a all-round civil war, which is one of the most outstanding upturn of the 20th century. The French Revolution was an era of sweeping, communal and governmental catastrophes in France that had a colossal influence on the French History, that carried on from 1789 throughout 1799. The constitutional monarchy that had controlled France for generations crumpled in a period of three years. Financial aspects like famine and malnourishment, were problems that majority of the community had. This was due to rising bread prices. The third estate was unhappy with the first and second estate, because they were taxed to tremendously by their king.

Revolutions usually start with issues with the government or the community in charge over a country's citizens. Some problems that helped start the Mexican Revolution are political advantages and exploitation and taxation. If you knew someone who worked for the government, life would be better for you. It didn’t matter if it was through friendship, family connections, economic contacts, or bribery. For example, if there was a legal problem, there would be an expectation set upon the judge to declare a resolution that would benefit the nephew of a government executive, the cousin of a statesman, or the son of a civil leader. Another issue was taxation. Under Porfirio, the rich enjoyed tax privileges while the burden of paying majority of the taxes were thrown on the destitute. During the French Revolution people were separated into three societal categories - Clergy, Nobles, and Peasants. The economic rank in France participated in offsetting the French Revolution. France was having financial struggles because of the foreign combats of Louis XIV, the seven year war, and different war expenses. Another reason for financial problems, was the expense of the extravagant items that Marie Antoinette bought. This angered the people of France, because this money that was being spent for unnecessary items should have been used to help the people of France.

As previously stated, the Mexican and French Revolution both have some correlations and some dissimilarities. They both had leaders, had problems against the government, but both revolutions took place at different times and one country had a president while the other had a king. Citizens in these countries were being treated inhumanely, because of their sociatol place in life. They chose to fight to push for change and were determined the push through until that change happened.

07 September 2020
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