My Motivation To Be A Nurse

Human life is a series of numerous choices. Some of these are serious choices on which the future depends; for example, choosing a life partner or choosing a job both require careful thought. While everyday choices; such as, what to cook for dinner or what to wear for the evening are not likely to have serious consequences; choosing the wrong career may. Choosing a profession is one of the serious choices in the life of every individual, and it is very important that one chooses a profession that will reward the person with a sense of accomplishment and pleasure. I chose my first course of study while I was still a teenager and I entered the university and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics and began teaching physics to children. For sixteen years, I found satisfaction in teaching, but gradually became aware that I could best serve others in a different career. I have chosen nursing as my second career, as I feel I have both the necessary commitment to serve in the medical field and the qualifications necessary for success.

Gradually over a period of years, I began preparing myself for a change in careers. In order to learn more about the medical field, I took CNA courses and worked as a nursing assistance for more than a year in a nursing home with a community of independent residents. These combined experiences convinced me that serving in the medical field will be a better use of my scientific approach to problem solving than serving as a teacher while still allowing me to serve others who need my help. They also made me aware that nursing is not the best career choice for everyone. However, it is an excellent choice for me; I have an interest in the practice of medicine, I feel a need to work with people, I like to be of service and I have practical experience.

Nursing is not for everyone, but I am convinced that I have the necessary qualifications to succeed as a nurse. I am an experienced student, and I have already accomplished one degree. I will take my studies seriously. My experiences as a teacher and as a nursing assistant helped me develop skills necessary for nursing. I can communicate with others, and this is a skill that will be needed, as I work with patients and their families. I also learned that it is important to follow orders, demonstrate tact, act quickly and accept responsibility. I recognize that is important to teach or provide treatment to those who are in need, and realize it is equally important to offer words of encouragement that will lift a patient’s mood and help the healing process. I have these qualities; I can work well with others, accept responsibility and offer support to both patients and my fellow workers.

My decision to study nursing was not made without careful thought. I gradually prepared myself for a change in careers. I recognize that nursing is not for everyone, but I am convinced that my experiences have provided me with the necessary qualifications to succeed as a nurse. I have chosen nursing as my second career, as I feel I have both a need to serve in the medical field and the qualifications necessary for success. 

16 August 2021
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