My View On The Meaning Of Maturity

What makes a person mature? This is a question that is too often neglected in today’s society. People don’t become mature overnight. Furthermore, there is no specific age to reach maturity. Instead, maturity depends on a person’s sense of wisdom, responsibility, and humility. It is a commonly used word, but when asked what the word means many people simply shrug their shoulders. Neither is the subject of maturity is taught in high school nor is its deeper meaning discussed among friends. Therefore, this lack of knowledge of maturity leads to lack of understanding of how we, as individuals, can improve ourselves. According to Cambridge dictionary, the word refers to the state of being completely grown. To me, maturity means to be in complete control of one’s emotions. It is the entirety of encounters and individual feelings that leads to unlocking a person’s greatest potential. While some people may mature exceptionally early, a few take a long time. For me, that time came in the twelfth grade. An experience that made me a mature and better human being.

As the President of the Computer Club, I was responsible for raising funds for an inter-school technological festival. One of the prospective sponsors I met made me realize the reality of the world around me. From the moment the meeting began, I started noticing many red flags. Later I discovered that he was a human trafficker who pretends to sponsor school events as a cover to send “his people” inside the campus to do the needful. I was at a crossroads. In the end, I took the mature decision to not ahead with the deal even though we were running short on funds for organizing the festival. This experience taught me that the real world is not what it seems like. I was living in a bubble protected by my parents and teachers, however, the world outside the bubble is raw and unprotected. I learned that to survive in the real world, I need to follow my instincts and stay in complete control of my emotions.

In the end what does it all mean? It means that we must try hard to be as mature as possible in the difficult situations we face. Maturity is frequently neglected and misunderstood. Strength and intelligence are imperative within the eyes of society at large. Regardless, it is important to comprehend the significance of maturity for our well-being. Being mature helps bring out the best in people because they emanate qualities that are good and respectable. Maturity will also help us get direction and happiness in the fact that we are strong enough to handle ourselves. 

10 Jun 2021
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