Sufficient Explanation For Labour Leaders’ Hostility To Asian Immigration

From Goutor’s article, Asian immigrants are associated with unpleasant ethic groups in particular been stereotyped as industrial slaves and ruthless competitors who disturb the economic, social, and cultural stability (Goutor, P. 550). Also, their existence in the labour market have compromised the white labour market, as a result, labour leaders portrayed them as a threat to white society, particularly to the general welfare of the Canadian communities (Goutor, P. 552). Hence, between the late 19th to early 20th century, the labour leaders demanded the legislation of exclusion of Asian immigrants thus the “Principle No. 9 – Exclusion of Chinese” was established in 1898 and the “Exclusion of Asiatics” have been brought up in 1911 to include immigrants from South Asians. However, Goutor argues the concern from the job market is not the only explanation for the labour leaders to increase the tension between the white society and Asian immigrants. There are serval factors being highlighted for criticizing the immigrant community. Chinese immigrants were regularly portrayed as sexual predator toward white women while as the labour carries biases toward the ethnic community due to their lack of understanding, and the Canadian government corrupts the system entirely in the sense that their willingness of solving the issue is indefinite.

In a general society, Asian workers carry an unfavorable image. As mention in the article, Asian are portrayed as misers, ruthless schemers, parasites, ‘drug fiends’, and hyper-sexualized menaces to white women (Goutor, P. 552). Their hyper-sexual desire toward the young white women population have brought threat to the white community, jeopardize the social stability among the population, and consequently ignite the anti-Asian agitation. In addition, the labour leaders also share the same sense as the general public; Goutor also argues “the Chinese were also regularly portrayed as sexual predators who seek to take advantage of white women” (Goutor, P. 556). Hence, the humanity designed for women has been established to protect white women community. During the late 20th, laws were being reinforced for prohibiting the Orientals from employing white women because such act destroys the sense of morality and compromise the humanity of white women (Goutor, P. 556). Furthermore, Karen Dubinsky and Adam Givertz argued the Knight of Labour is also responsible for advocating the labour’s portrayal against the Chinese labour while during this time period. The labour leaders are heavily influenced by the Knights of Labour, as a result, the promoted stereotypes from the Knights is emphasized by the movement of the labour workers (Goutor, P. 563, 570). Hence, Asian being seen as sexual criminals had heavily impacted the concerns by the labour leaders.

As mentions, the labour leader did not only influence by the general public but also drew inspiration by the Knights of labour, the mainstream politicians, and the parties that carry prevailing thoughts (Goutor, P. 560). In particular, a dozen number of labour leaders were supporters of the British Empire where the leaders based on the British and draw out their own basis of humanity (Goutor, P. 563). As a result, their conscience toward the immigrants are greatly inspired by the British culture (Goutor, P. 563). For instance, as a reference from the Palladium of Labour, they promoted stereotypes of blacks and aboriginals; from here, we are able to observe that the labour define Asian immigrant are established by other cultural beliefs (Goutor, P. 563). Moreover, the labour lacks the knowledge and understanding of Asians, regardless of cultural, social and ethic sprit. The rule of thumb for the many Canadian labour leader while encountering the Asians are built on other people experience which serves as a guidebook for dealing any matters (Goutor, P. 564). As a result, their action toward the Asian workers are universal and permanent thus the Asian workers always carry an unpleasant image by the labour leaders. Consequently, the agitation by the white community had lasted for long-term and unrest.

Moreover, the governmental system has been blamed for the cause of a huge amount of jobs been replaced by Asian immigrants. Labour leaders criticize the Canadian policymakers and capitalists hold the ultimate responsibility for controlling the numbers of immigrants enter the Canadian border (Goutor, P. 566). In particular, evidence has shown the relationship between the Knights’ of labour and anti-Chinese campaign; the campaigns give rise of power for the Knights’ in which strengthen their influence in the political realm, opposing the capitalist and monopolists (Goutor, P. 567). There issss proof indicate the Canadian government brought more immigrants into the country which means the authority only protects the monopolist and capitalist to maximize the profit but leave nothing but competition for the labour force (Goutor, P. 567). From all of the above, Goutor argues the replacement of Chinese workers means the corruption and fundamentally undemocratic nature of the Canadian politics, ironically the taxpayers have voted the people who destroy their living (Goutor P. 567). Hence, the true cause of the anti-Asian agitation lies on the Canadian government.

All in all, Goutor’s article has explained the concern from the job market is not the only consideration for the labour leader to perform agitation toward the Asian immigrants; there are several causes for such action to be presented, the sexuality of Asian interpreted by the general public have greatly impacted their image, also the influence by prejudice perception, let alone with the corruptive political structure.

15 Jun 2020
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