The Advantages Of Teen Driving

Teenagers should be able to drive because they have responsibilities to care of. If they are responsible, they have important tasks to take care of so they would need to drive. Some teens work so they would need transportation and they cannot depend on their parents and being able to drive as teenagers can also help their parents around the house in case of an emergency or not.

Most teenagers cannot be trustworthy, and they cannot be responsible, but they are able to manage driving a vehicle. Being able to drive you will have to know how to multitask and know how to follow all the rules. When you become a teenager, you can be in a lot of thing such as volunteering, being in sports and working. But most kids want to just have fun and want to hang out with friends or watch TV and play videogames. The teens that have responsibilities are most likely going to need transportation. For an example year from now your teen will be grown and be well taught. Know how to get places and most likely could also take you places too. It can gain them being responsible by not needing their parents to drive them places and need to run they errands. Allowing teens to drive provides them with independence and the ability to have more control over where they go, with whom and for how long”. For example when a teenager goes out with their friends and they parents is their ride home they most likely cannot stay out late. Their parents might be tired to pick them up so late. But if they had a vehicle to drive themselves home, they would not have to worry about picking them up. Their independence would be gain so much that they would not need to depend on their parents. Therefore, you are able become responsible by handling your own responsibilities and not needing your parents.

A parent’s job is to raise their kids until they become an adult. Most parents make their kids work or get in activities. Having a job or being in activities requires you to be on time no matter where you are you must be on time. Being a teenager also means you must be in school. Being in school you cannot miss any classes or be late. You would need to drive to school if you do not have transportation. School starts early and if your parents have a job that they must be at in the morning they will not have time take you to school and depends on where you live at there is not a bus provided. When a teenager gets in sports, most sport games are away. No parents would want they kid walking home at night time it is unsafe. Nowadays people think it is easy to just catch a lyft. A lyft is a stranger you pay to pick you up from where you are and taking you to your destination. It can become expensive depending how far you are and however often you use the app. A better solution would be just letting the teenager drive. It is cheaper and saver.

“The days of running a home taxi service will be over and you won’t have to act as the chauffeur for school-related activities”. It would be a relief from the kid constantly calling a lyft. What if a teen wants to go to the store than go to a soccer game? He or She would have to pay twice for a lyft. One time to the store then take them to the game. More money that they could have saved or used it for something else if they would have just drove. Driving yourself around can prevent you spending money on wasteful stuff. Also relying on a lyft is not good. What if they drive slowly or cancel the request? You will be late to work now and now you're at risk with your job, school or any activity you’re trying to get to. Not being able to drive as a teen can become a challenge. Having to figure out how you are going to get back and forth to places and sometimes having to be on time.

Driving your own is the safest choice. Not only that but when someone is driving you your life is in someone else hands. They could drive with no hands, on the phone, or even speed past the speed limit. Getting from one place to another on your owe is best. You can only focus on getting to your destination with no one distracting you or telling how to drive and which way to go.

14 May 2021
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