The Description Of The Abortion Legalization Bill

This bill targets the legalization of abortion in all states, without any restrictions. Currently there are different regulations that are placed on abortion depending on which state the women is in. The goal is to have each woman feel safe about having the right to choose what they would like to do with their body. Not only will this bill allow women to always have the choice, but it will also offer programs and counseling opportunities for mothers who have gone through an abortion or thinking about it. By having these factors in place, it will allow women other women and experts to talk about how they feel and be able to make a decision. This bill will also require human growth to be taught in all schools, and the topic of abortion to be brought up more in the classroom. Every part of this bill is essential to ensure that women always feel like they are in control of their bodies.

This bill is essential for society due to the facts that it ensures women’s rights. In the past, women have had to fight for the right to vote, work, drive and more. Now, women must fight for the right to choose what happens to their body. By having this bill, women will have more freedom when it comes to the choices they make about their bodies. This bill will improve society by letting women who are pregnant know that they do not have to go through with it. Some pregnancies are the result of rapes, which women do not want to have daily reminders of the horrific events. Women will have the ability to learn about how to have a safe and healthy abortion. Also, by increasing the amount of education in the classrooms regarding abortion, it will educate the younger generations, allowing them to understand the different aspects of abortions.

When the bill becomes enacted, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will regulate the actions and the contents of the bill. This department handles anything related to health, which includes: surgical procedures, disease prevention and information, medical research and much more. Abortion falls into this category because it is a medical procedure. Even though the mother does not have to get put under anesthetics, they still are undergoing an outpatient surgery. The big thing that we are trying to enforce is the idea of having a healthy abortion. This means that everything that is done during it will be safe and well known. In easier terms, doctors must perform abortions, not random people or doctors who are not certified. The reason for this is that we are trying to make sure that the mother is safe throughout the entire procedure. If a doctor or recipient break this law, they will be fined a large amount of money. Sometimes, doctors will be sent to jail if they continue to perform abortions even though they are not supposed to or if they are not supposed to give them and they hurt the mother (killing, or detrimentally affecting the mother).

The costs that are associated with this bill vary depending on the state. Currently, abortions cost recipients money to receive one. One thing that would need to be evaluated is the different people and their financial situations. People who are on Medicaid will have the opportunity for financial help and also people who are at a young age and do not have the means to pay for it. The cost for regulated this bill would be in the millions. According to the Washington Post, the cost of gun control is around $229 billion dollars, which is a large amount of money. The Abortion Bill would not cost as much do to the fact that they are not regulating a specific product. Gun control tries to control the amount of guns purchased, which requires a larger amount of money to fund it.

According to Webster Dictionary, an abortion is defined as “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy”. Abortions have been around since the 1800s when women would have them in unsanitary conditions. Back in the day, medical systems were not as advanced as they are today, leaving women to risk their lives to have one performed on them. Technology has since progressed since then, and today there are two different types of abortions given. The first type is an in-clinic abortion, which involves a suction like tool that is inserted into the uterus and the pregnancy tissue is suctioned out. The second type of abortion is an at home option, which involves taking a pill. Either way, the goal of the two options is to terminate the fetus.

Currently, abortions are considered legal, but is some states, there are specific regulations on them. In forty-two states, there is a requirement that an abortion must be performed by a licensed physician, and in nineteen states, abortions must be performed in a hospital at a certain point in the pregnancy. These are just a few examples of specific regulations that are currently in the different states. Views on abortions have left the hospital and ended up in the political system. The United States’ current president, Donald Trump, believes that abortion should be “completely banned”, which would make the action of getting one illegal. The only exceptions to thought is that if pregnancy is the result of rape, incest, or is life threatening to the expectant mother. This has raised concerns from many locals and politicians opposing his views. Women receive abortions due to more than the three reasons Trump believes they should be granted one. Women also receive them if they believe that they are not ready to be a successful parent or if the child will be terminally ill. In 2015, 638,169 legal abortions were performed according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). If Donald Trump instates a law banning abortion, this number will disappear, and many women will try to perform abortions on themselves, which is unsafe for the fetus and mother.

Many officials and activist groups support the idea of “pro-choice”, which allows women to choose what happens to their bodies and lives when it comes to pregnancy. According toe the NARAL Pro Choice America, there were thirty-six candidates from the 2018 elections that support pro-choice. Abortions became legal in 1973 during the Roe v. Wade trial in the Supreme Court. This court case which involved Jane Roe, a Texas resident who wanted to have an abortion. At the time, the laws in Texas prohibited women from having an abortion unless it was detrimental to their life. Roe’s case was sent to the Supreme Court and rules that the right to have an abortion was protected under the fourteenth amendment, which ensures the right to having privacy. This court ruling changed the policies in forty-six different states. Activist groups assisted Roe during the trial and continue to assist women today when it comes to supporting abortions.

The goal of this bill is to allow women the right to choose if they want to continue with a pregnancy or not. One part of this bill is that the women having them must do it legally, meaning in a medical facility or getting the pills from a medical professional. We want women to remain safe and healthy during this procedure. Many people see abortions an “inhumane” due to the fact of the termination of a fetus, but it would be more inhumane to allow mothers to have children that they do not want. When mothers are unfit, there is a worry that they could abuse or neglect the child. Also, women get abortions since their child has a terminal disease or disability. When parents are told that their child is going to have a life-threatening disease or disability that will make their child suffer their entire life, they believe that termination might be the best decision, so the child will not have to endure a life of suffering and pain.

The following organizations support this bill:

  1. National Abortion Federation: This organization believes that women should have the “ability to make informed decisions about their reproductive health”. This federation will help with the bill by showing support and providing the public with education regarding the facts about abortions. They want women to be able to make educated decisions regarding their own bodies. The main point of this organization is that they believe women should have the option, not a set answer.
  2. NARAL Pro-Choice Abortion: NARAL believes that women should have the choice on what happens to their bodies. Currently, their PAC endorses “pro-choice champions and challengers in federal and state races across the country”. They have a political plan that is “designed to build power by layering our work at all levels of government”. Their goal is to have enough education and power to explain their facts and beliefs to government officials.
  3. Feminist Abortion Network (FAN): The FAN’s mission statement shows that they “support the continued success, excellence, and strength of feminist health care providers”. This organization not only helps with educating the public, but also informing health care professionals. Many health care professionals will decline women due to the fact that they do not believe in performing abortions. FAN’s goal is to try and educate health care providers of information regarding abortion that might change their minds about performing them.

In contrast, many people believe that abortion is inhumane. When it comes to abortions, they are commonly given to women who are between four to six weeks along, but in some rare cases, they given at later times, with twenty-four weeks being the latest. Gynecologists track a pregnancy from a women’s last period they received. When looking a timeline, women are not fully pregnant until three weeks. This means that by three weeks, the sperm and egg have formed into one cell which is called a zygote. By the sixth week, the fetus has a heart beat that can be heard during an ultrasound. Many people see that terminating a fetus at this point of development is murderous since it is already living. As week by week goes by, the baby develops more and more into a human. Pro-life supporters believe that all lives are a blessing and should not be taken away from someone.

In the 2018, the amount of pro-life and pro-choice supporters were close in value. In May of 2018, the amount of pro-life people was about 47%, while the amount of pro-choice was about 45%. The remaining percentage has mixed beliefs regarding the topic. Many pro-life supporters are part of the Catholic Church, which has spoken out about the topic. Whenever there is an event at a Catholic Church, the number of tables with information showing disturbing images of fetuses and the process of abortion. Their main goal is to try and persuade people into believing that abortion is the wrong choice. Heavily religious groups are against the thought of abortion due to the fact that they believe that every life is given to the world by God and that he decides when it is time for a person to leave this Earth.

The current president, Donald Trump, is considered pro-life since he does not believe in abortions. He later went on to say that he believes that if his bill gets passed, that women who receive an abortion will receive “some sort of punishment”. When it comes to looking at politicians’ views on the matter, Donald Trump is a forerunner due to the fact that he is the current president of the United States. Not only do supporters put the blame and choice on women, they also put it on the doctors who perform them. Within a doctor’s job, their main goal is to help people who are ill or in need of medical attention. Their goal is also supposed to keep all humans alive and well. Abortion is going against their moral doctoral duties because they are ending a life. Doctors are supposed to help fetuses nourish and grow rather than assist in terminating them.

The main issue when it comes to abortion is the moral contrasts that are tied to the topic. Abortions are morally wrong to many people because it is ending the life of a baby that has not even been able to see the light of day. By instating this bill, the moral rights of the world will be obstructed for allowing women to purposely kill their unborn infant.

The following organizations do not support this bill:

  1. American Life League: This organization goal is to “protect all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death”. This shows that this organization believes that everyone has a right to life, meaning that a mother can not take it away from them. Later in their mission statement, they state that they will help “every single cell human embryo to the elderly”. This organization will not back down from supporting pro-life.
  2. Association of Pro-Life Physicians: This organization focuses on the physicians that commit abortions. Their goal is to show the physicians that the choices they are making to terminate a young infants’ life is not what they should be doing. According to their mission statement, they want to restore the information that was presented to the doctors when they took their Hippocratic Oath. This organization is different then others because it is trying to get in touch with the physicians rather than the women themselves.
  3. Human Life Matters: This organization is a pro-life blog that covers the topics of “abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the ethics that pertain to end of life care”. They want to show people that the actions of abortion hurt not only the unborn child but the people around them. This organization believes that “If we accept the principle that universal human rights are worth embracing, then all human life must be included”, in easier terms, this means that they want to believe that everyone has the universal right to be able to live and thrive in the world.

The Abortion Act will be regulated and reinforced through the National Institutes of Health. I believe that this is the best fit for this specific bill because it deals with health issues. Even though terminating a pregnancy is a choice, it still has to do with medicine. When proper medical techniques are not used to suspend a pregnancy, the mother is at risk. The National Institutes of Health is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This executive agency focuses on the different medical interventions that are given to the people. Not only do they handle the medical interventions, they also control disease and the furthering of the developmental aspects of diseases.

Also, the CDC, Center for Disease Control, is run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Studies. The CDC promotes health, prevention, and prepared activities for the general public. Abortion falls under this location because it gives statistics regarding the amount of abortions granted each year and where the recipients of them lived. In the Department of Health and Human Studies, the mission statement states that their mission is to “enhance the health and well being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services”. This mission statement encompasses many different aspects that all relate towards the health of humans.

In the mission statement directly, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Studies talks about providing information and social service help. Abortion is involved with this because it is not only a health-related issue but also a social issue. The reason for this is that the amount of mental health that is associated with abortion is large due to the fact that the parent has to make such a large decision. The internal thinking is not the only aspect that is associated with social services. A large issue with abortion is the backlash that the recipients receive from the general public, which hinders their mental health. Abortion is so controversial that when people find out that others had one, their views on that person changed. Hopefully with the creation of this law, the general public will not be so hateful towards the recipients of abortions.

If this law is not abided by, there will be different consequences that people will face. The way to break this law is by granting abortions that are medically unfit. This means that when a woman has one, she must go to an accredited medical facility that understands how to give one safely or who knows how much of a specific medicine they are supposed to give. There will be a large fee that will be placed on not only the doctor professionals but also the recipients. The fee for the doctor who performed it, or the person who performed it, will receive a larger penalty due to the fact that they should know better when it comes to trying to perform a procedure on a living person. Doctors can even face jail time if the mother who they performed one on does not live or had permanent damages to her health. By having a law that makes abortion legal in every state, women should not have to find underground ways to have them since they will not get in trouble for them. If a medical professional denies granting a woman an abortion, they must provide reasonable information on why they are choosing not to perform one. An example of this information would be that the mother is unfit to successfully have an abortion, or that the doctor does not believe that he or she is able to perform one.

The Abortion Act will legalize medically safe abortions and offer services to mothers who are planning on receiving one or who have already received one. By having this law in place, women will have the right to choose if they want to have an abortion or not. There are many different court cases that deal with abortion in the United States. One of the most famous ones was the Roe v. Wade court case that was talked about earlier in this bill. Another example of a bill that occurred relating to this topic is the United States Catholic Conference v. Abortion Rights Mobilization, Incorporated. This court case involved the Abortion Rights Mobilization and other tax-payers who all supported abortion who sued the Secretary of Treasury, the United States Catholic Conference, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Abortion Rights Mobilization believed that the other organizations were involved in different political activities that violated the U.S. laws that control tax-exempt organizations. Also, they believed that by the other organizations participated in the activities, gave them an advantage over the groups that were law-abiding. The case went to court and was dismissed due to the lack of information from the organizations that were believed to be in the wrong. In return, the Abortion Rights Mobilization appealed and tried to have the other organizations be forced into giving up their tax documents. In the end, there was not enough hard information for the court to enforce them giving up their tax return documents.

This event corresponds with the current bill creation because it is focusing on abortion and the unfairness of campaigning for or against it. The large issue that erupts from this is that all organizations are meant to abide by specific rules and regulations when it comes to the specific tax amounts each one is meant to pay. Taxes are mandatory for all citizens in the United States and also all organizations. In you do not fulfill the responsibilities of paying taxes, there are serious consequences that will distributed to the people.

This bill is considered constitutional due to the fact that it is not taking away any of the rights humans are possessed to have. The bill allows all women to have the choice to have an abortion, which means it is legal in all states. One question that always occurs when it comes to talking about abortion is the religious aspect. In many religions, especially the Catholic Church, is against aborting a child. Freedom of religion is involved in the first amendment which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. This means that each person in the United States has the ability to choose to practice whatever religion they would like to. Doctors will have the opportunity to choose not to perform the abortions. If they do not believe in it or do not think that it is right, they have the right to say no to any person inquiring about abortion. One thing that they would be able to do though is give out a doctor’s name who would be able to perform one. This will ensure that their religious beliefs are not suspended.

The creation of the Abortion Bill is will benefit the future generations in the United States. Women should have the ability to choose what they would like to happen to their bodies. Becoming pregnant would not be a life sentence, especially if women became pregnant due to a horrific experience like rape. The bill is one more freedom that women will be able to possess, which will be a huge accomplishment. Thank you for your time and listening to the bill that we just presented. Think about the women who do not want a child at the moment but are pregnant. Let them have the ability to choose what they would like to do with their bodies and lives.


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