The Great Mexican Culture And My Experiences With It

Donald Trump has been arguing about building a wall to keep South American immigrants out of the united states. Many people believe that Mexicans are the only immigrants in the country, and people hear the word Mexico and think of one thing, immigration. The reason why I decided to write this essay is to inform my audience that there's more to the Mexican culture than just the Mexican food that comes to mind when they hear the word Mexico. Or the issues that have been coming up about immigration, because quite frankly i hear people think that Mexicans are the only immigrants in the world but in fact are some of the immigrants that have migrated to the USA for a better life for them and there family just like everyone else just harder facing dangerous life or death to get reach that better opportunity they have heard about, but nevermind that. That topic will be for the next essay. In this paper, I will cover a couple of the things that make up this beautiful culture and use my own opinions and experiences I've experienced that will backup my thesis.

In Mexico food is probably the most important part whenever I go. I'm so ready to taste the great tacos and tamales.There is a diverse number of Mexican dishes between different regions of Mexico. Different towns I've been to almost always have different foods that taste different. About a year ago I went to Mexico i passed through a couple states one which was Chihuahua. For I have had different types of quesadillas but the ones I tasted in a stand a man was making were, in my opinion, one of the best foods I've tasted. They have their own cookery traditions. Tortillas, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, and peppers are everyday foods that the Mexicans eat. Coca-Cola is a very popular beverage in Mexico. Whenever I go to visit my family down there in every meal a glass bottle of coca cola shares the table with the plate of food. Tequila is also a famous drink originated in Mexico. It made from a type of cactus that suited for Mexico's hot weather. What people eat in Mexico makes

In Mexico, Religion is an important factor in families. Part of my family is Catholic and part is Christian, and I believe the Mayans and Aztecs also had their own religions. One experience I had made me realize how important religion is to many Mexican families. I went to a friends house and in the entrance of the house, they had a lot of idles that they would worship. You could see a high level of respect towards their beliefs. As they believe there saints and idles bring them well being to them and to others they care for. Not every Mexican has these beliefs some are Christian some don't worship saints or idles. Therefore I believe that religion is an important aspect of Mexican culture.i believe it is what keeps family together and happy.

Spanish is probably the most popular language in Mexico. It's honestly what I hear the most from people from different regions of Mexico. When I would travel to different states in Mexico I would meet different and very interesting people that mostly spoke Spanish. Then there are indigenous languages, for example, Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional languages

Agriculture is a very important part of a lot of Mexican cultures. They depend on the rain and sun to keep their crops growing so year round they can sell and provide food for there family. My family is hard workers that's what they do year-round every summer I visit my uncles take me to help them work the fields and it's the hardest work I have ever down. You're under the hot scorching sun with a sack that weighs maybe 50 pounds full of seeds and walking the long grooves planting the seeds. Their hard work brings food to there family and it's well earned. It usually depends on a week to sand depending on the size of the land. So before anything you have to dig the ground loosen it up with either a tractor or more manual depending on what you have they use an iron plow to dig up the ground. So its loose and the seed can grow freely.

Depending on the on what you're using it might take longer or faster. After that, they wait for the rain and makes weed grow out and the second round of digging happens. To clean out the weeds. Now is when people begin growing a lot of different crops but the most popular would have to be corn beans and wheat. It usually takes around 3 to 4 weeks for the seeds to grow. In this step, you go over the field again and loosen the soil its customary to do this as it makes their crops grow bigger. These same step people use crop fertilizer, which makes the crops grow bigger. Another two weeks and they loosen the ground again which is too many reasons to remove the weeds that are growing in between the grooves and to help the plants grow. Pesticide following and the workers work hard to keep their crops growing strong as this there only chance of making their fields grow healthy. They usually wait a couple months to start harvesting. These hardworking ranchers usually never stop working the have their families they have animals to continue feeding. It's a never-ending job.

In Mexico holidays and celebrations are also very popular for instance is the Quinceanera. This large event in a Mexican family is a celebration of a young lady's 15th birthday. It means that the young lady is continuing on from her childhood to womanhood. Before the big celebration starts the young lady and her family and friends go to church to get God's blessing and to help her throughout this new journey that is about to begin for her and her family and friends. This day the young 15-year-old dresses in a beautiful dress. Food and dancing are involved in the celebration friends and family are invited. The celebration is a very exciting event many people have a great time!

This culture is full of great vibes. I've talked about a couple things that make up this beautiful culture and from experiences I've had I've covered how in my opinions Mexicans are hard workers, the foods are truly tasty and amazing all over many regions, and for some people it will be informative and help them understand that this culture has more to it them the single-story many people hear about. I have many more topics to add to this, for example, the arts and clothing because all these things make this culture unique and it's great because this obviously isn't the only culture in the world. This culture is one of the many that make this world so beautiful!

07 September 2020
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