The Needs Of A Man And The Needs Of A Woman In Marriage

According to marriage is defined as the legal union of partners (man and women) in a personal relationship. The leading cause of most divorces today results in the needs of both partners being overlooked. The needs of a man are completely different from the needs of a woman. The first need of a man is sex. Often, rejection is the outmost cause of men being upset with their wives because they rejection is the outmost cause of men being upset with their wives because they have to fight for something that is natural.

Men are like cars because if u come to a gas station and its closed, you go to another station. Why? Because it needs gas just like the need of sex to a man. Enunciating intercourse with your husband makes them happy. When they think of home, it should be a joy to go home, but most men don’t go home. The number one need of a woman is affection. Women do not need sex and love as much as they need affection. Most men believe that sexual experience with a woman makes her happy, but it is not true. Many times, women are angry after their husband’s reaches climax because her need is not satisfied. Having sex with your wives is not an expression of affection, but more rather the results of it. Affection is the application of effects to produce an affect. To show affection to women you’ve got to apply something which has an impact that affects them. Men can show affection to their wives by telling them every day that they love them. Sending her flowers for no such reason is another way of showing affection. It is not expensive to give a woman affection, it just takes a lot of thought.

The second need of a male is aggression. Males are designed to be a protective spirit which means he must be aggressive. Protective aggressiveness is supposed to be to defend the woman and the children. This is the reason why males are naturally competitive, because of their spirit of aggression. Males love recreation, a woman does it but a man needs it. Studying a man’s recreation might not be something women like, but you should join in with him because he needs recreational companion. Most women wonder why most men drops them off to church and then go to the ball game on Sunday. It’s simply because they refuse to join a man in recreation. If he likes to read, buy books and read when he reads, if he likes to jog, go jogging with him. When you join a man in his recreation, he will talk to you. A woman needs a man to talk to her but the problem is she wouldn’t put herself in the position for the man to talk. The average woman normally says “I need to see you now! Turn this game off now! I want to see you now!” He may leave, but he’s angry.

The third need of a man is an attractive wife. The male was designed to be motivated by his eyes, a woman is motivated by her ears. A man needs an attractive wife so he can present her to himself. It’s not for pressure, but women should supply that need. Look good at all times. The Bible says in the book of Genesis,” For this course should a man leave his mother and father and cling to his wife.” To cling to his wife means to chase after her. Most men chase after a woman until her catches and marries her and after that he stops. The problem is, she use to dress up and look good at all times that’s why he chases her but after he catches her she stops doing what made him chase after her. Women are supposed to look and fix themselves better after they get married. Most women think because they already have the man they don’t have to do nothing else. This is the reason why most men come home late, because the view is not interesting anymore. A woman’s third need is honesty and openness. Women don’t want this, but they need it. If you want your wife to function with you, be honest and open to her. Tell her everything that you need to tell her. Don’t ever tell any other woman something you didn’t tell your wife. No woman should know anything more than your wife. A lot of women in marriages feel locked up because their husbands talk to everybody else except them. No secrets should be kept from your wife.

The fourth need of a man is support. When your husband comes home, he doesn’t want to start over again. Home is supposed to be a refuge for a man, a hiding place, a place where he can be away from the world that’s so tough for him. He needs support. Most wives make their house a war zone! The Bible says, “A woman who is like a dripping faucet makes her husband sleep on the roof.” A woman destroys her home with her own tongue. A man should be able to come home to his wife and forget about a hard day of work. A woman needs financial support even if she is working. In most cases, you will find women who makes more money than men, but that has nothing to do with who is head of the home. The male is the head by God’s design. The males are responsible for setting the priorities based on God’s instructions to be the head of the home.

Wives should never have to be under pressure to supply, it should be her choice. She should not have to have to work, but she could if she chooses to. There should always be a specific account for her only. It may not be every month but the husband should put something there for her. She needs to know that there is financial support that she has control over. She also needs the financial resources to do what she needs to do to take care of the home. It’s not about who makes the money, but it is how it’s distributed. A man needs admiration and respect, a woman needs family commitment. A man does not need love. Why? Because a man needs respect. When a woman respects a man, then he knows she loves him. Ephesians chapter 5 tells a man to love his wife, but it also tells a woman to respect her husband. Respect means to speak highly of, to hold in high regard, to praise. The average man gets zero praise. What hurts a husband in the church is the wife respecting the pastor more than him.

The needs of a man consist of sex, aggression, an attractive wife, support, admiration and respect while the needs of a woman consist of affection, communication, honesty and openness, financial support and love. All needs of both partners should be met to maintain a good relationship.

01 February 2021
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