What Farmers Can Do To Make Sure They Achieve Maximum Milk Production In Dairy Cows In An Indoor System

Good housing work and management are essential for optimum milk production. Huddled conditions, poor ventilation and a rise in wetness come with risk of injury and health problem.

Rest is very important to cows, significantly throughout lactation, which they'd like somewhere comfortable to lay. Cows that are placed on concrete floors with inadequate bedding, or in housing with poorly designed cubicles, are probable to develop inflammation. Uncomfortable flooring causes are of painful for lame cows to put and walk on, and cows could slip and injure them if floors are wet from waste.

Dairy herds usually use the majority of their time indoors in spacious, well-ventilated and well-lit sheds. This may be expressed as ‘continuous’, or ‘year round’ housing. In some cases, these cows might stay up to a couple of months outdoors throughout their dry period and will have access to pasture for exercise and to socialize. Among these systems each cow is required to possess space to maneuver around, a bed to belong and comfy space to feed. It’s common in housed units for farmers to collectively provide common areas, cow grooming brushes, fans and water sprinklers to increase comfort. Cows that are predominantly housed within are fed a diet of freshly cut pasture or feed and mixed ration feed to confirm that each one their nutritional requirements are met. This may be done to make sure that energy requirements are met to permit maximum milk production.

Year round housing systems are smart for production. This can be because of variety of things, that embrace health and welfare advantages of having the ability to supply a regular feed ration to cows, the raised uptake of robotic milking systems, and, in some cases, a rise in herd size.

The milking parlor is the place where the farmer obtains the milk, the end product of the dairy farm. Regular maintenance and a requirement to maintain milking systems sanitary are vital in increasing milk production.

Milking machines allowed for herd sizes to increase, as farmers were then ready to milk a lot of cows in an exceedingly short space of time. There are many alternative milking parlor styles as well as ancient textile and parallel parlors, and modern rotary parlors that are used to milk massive herds, generally with automatic milking machines. Electrical fencing could also be used to drive the cows forward into the parlor. Some farmers opt to feed concentrate to the cows while milking which motivates the cows to enter the parlor. Some farms have voluntary milking systems, which allow cows to make a decision when they are milked. Farms with Voluntary Milking systems generally have one milking machine for each sixty cows, and cows are often milked by the machine at any time of the day or night, without any help from the farmer. Poor or lack of cleanliness and maintenance or milking systems may end up in issues that have an effect on milk production.

Poor milk quality is a cause if teats don't seem to be clean before milking. This ends up in the creation of biofilm and a rise within the total microorganism count.

If teat medical care isn't done properly, half of the teat ends are not disinfected after milking. the chance of contamination is extremely high risk of mastitis as the cows 'share' the milking parlor, they additionally share pathogens. Infected milk contaminates the reproductive organ liners that are then a vector of transmission from associate degree infected quarter to a healthy one.

Chronically infected cows are a reservoir of pathogens for the herd. The defense system, the teat sphincter, is skipped throughout milking and this brings in new infection. Dirty and wet place ideal for germ transmission: from cow to milker, from milker to cow, from cow to cow., from surroundings to cow and from cow to surroundings.

This could cause an enormous amount of cows being culled, which could cause lower milk production.

The risks related to poor management in relation to the environment of the housing could cause numerous problems for the farmer like Poor stimulation.

The milk is kept inside the udder alveoli and should be transferred to the cistern in between two mil kings. Beneath natural conditions, the calf suckling the teats stimulates the milk to let down. The secretion action is effective after 60-90 seconds. Disagreeable parameters slow and even diminish milk release.

Adrenaline blocks the action of secretion on the bag. No preparation of the teats, and significant or alarming noises can cause vacuum on the teats, leading to dangerous teat condition and animal discomfort.

Long waiting time is deleting a part to concern, the primary cows returning to the milking parlor are milked instantly, whereas some cows are waiting minutes before being milked. The last cows are usually the weakest: standing time enhances poor feet condition and can increase lameness.

Poor operational conditions affects milk production.

Being immense time pressure is generally not related to pleasant operational conditions. A wet and dirty place isn't optimum either and stressed and agitated animals are harder to handle. Poor hygiene and deficient management have tremendous consequences on milk production. Observing the wants of a cow and conjointly the requirements for hygiene could also be a relevant approach to increase efficiency and quality of milking parlor hygiene and management.

Milk production varies among milk cow breeds. The content of milk fat and solids varies, also. Knowing the breed characteristics can assist you decide if a definite breed will suit your needs. The foremost recognizable breed of the milk cow breeds is that the Holstein. Holsteins are black and white, although some are red and white. The cows weigh about one; 500 pounds and bulls weigh concerning two, 2000 pounds. The calves are massive, typically weighing ninety pounds or additional at birth. The Holstein has become an iconic breed for milk production because of the massive quantity of milk they turn out that has the additional benefit of being low in animal fat which is most well-liked for drinking.


  1. https://iamcountryside.com/cattle/best-dairy-cow-breed/
  2. https://iamcountryside.com/cattle/choosing-dairy-cow-breeds/
  3. http://www.thedairysite.com/articles/3475/milking-parlour-hygiene-and-management/
  4. http://www.thedairysite.com/articles/2549/dairy-farming-systems-in-great-britain/
09 March 2021
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