Wellness and Fitness: Finding Balance in Life

It is critically important to ensure that we are doing all we can to meet our needs and think of innovative ways to keep us well. We will start “wellness and physical fitness reflection essay” by understanding what is physical fitness and wellness. By exploring the actions and the surrounding effects. In doing so we may better understand and hopefully be better aware of what we can do to keep healthy and well. Doing so in an environment that is not conducive to do so can be quite a challenge.

What is the Main Difference Between Fitness and Wellness?

The difference between fitness and wellness is both are at two ends of the spectrum yet combined they make an ideal whole. Fitness is about the physical activity required to keep our bodies able to function and involves the physical maintenance required to keep our bodies going. Therefore, is the physical aspects of our health

Wellness on the other hand is about how we live our lives on a daily basis. The lifestyle choices we make, our emotional and mental states which have a bearing on all we do and don't do. It is our capacity to live our lives to the full and to achieve our purpose in this life.

As you can immediately conclude one cannot be achieved without the other. Physical activity can not be performed without the necessary wellness mindset to ensure that it does. Equally, wellness cannot be achieved without the body being honed to optimum effectiveness through physical activity.

What Issues are Affecting Physical Fitness Currently?

There are some very disturbing trends given the current state of affairs today which is hardly surprising. The first concerning fitness is that it requires the ability to be free to move should you wish to. Go and walk in the country side or a park as a break from daily exercise routines. This is not only to break the monotony but also allow your muscles as an example to experience different movements. The muscle memory does not get used to your exercise patterns and the benefits from changing things up allows for greater improvement.

A recent survey in the UK unsurprisingly suggests that during this lock down the level of exercise of those surveyed has plummeted by 60%. An unhealthy trend indeed. While the situation evolves from starting with no trips allowed for exercise, one trip is now being allowed thankfully. I understand in the US it is not even one trip. This should not be allowed to affect us as there are many other ways we can exercise and it does not have to be conventional.

What Issues are Affecting Wellness Currently?

It is not easy to keep mind body and soul together in these times with so many pressures acting upon us. If we do not keep our minds on our wellness there will be very serious issues that we will encounter. The more issues we face the more difficult it will be for us to deal with them both now and in the future.

Working from home is very difficult and requires a different mind set and some adjustment. families living in proximity brings difficult challenges especially when they are accompanied by economic problems. Additional worry if you are not working and wondering how the shopping bills are going to be paid is not ideal to keep your mind focused. Stress and worry are the two most significant factors prompting anxiety and ill health which result in injuries and illness.

Consider these survey results, 30% of those surveyed admit they are eating a much less healthy diet, experiencing back, neck and shoulder pain. This is probably due to bad posture hunched over a computer. They also report they are experiencing insomnia finding it very stressful to sleep. They are watching far too much TV and indulging in much more alcohol.

Our lives are much too precious to allow down the drain. We must find a way to keep ourselves healthy through a healthy mind set otherwise all we have achieved in our wellness will be compromised.


Physical fitness is a state of health and well - being, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise and sufficient rest. Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities. To be healthy, to resist hypo kinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

10 October 2022
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