Article Analysis On Healthy Eating And Foods

This paper examines the nutritional status and its relationship with the academic performance of 3-10 years old primary school children.

The first article that connects to my lesson of healthy food is "The Effect of Providing Breakfast on Student Performance: Evidence from an In-Class Breakfast Program” by Timberman, Scott A, and Adriana D Kugler. This article relates to my lesson because the authors argue that, proper nutrition to be critical for physical and mental growth, development, and reasoning abilities of pupils. Also healthy diets that abide by the U. S. Food Guide Pyramid positively affects students’ problem-solving skills, test scores, and school attendance.

The pupils need to understand the meaning and components of the healthy diet. Therefore, the teacher will draw two columns on the board. The first one labeled "healthy" and the other one labeled "unhealthy. " To enhance the understanding of students the teacher puts a smiley face next to the word healthy and a sad face next to the word unhealthy.

The second article that relates to the unit plan is "The Learning Connection of healthy food” by Grimsby, Lorna. This article involves teaching pupils on the impact of unhealthy food on their body. Grimsby argues that children are better learners compared to adults. However, one-third of our kids are overweight or obese, and that jeopardizes their health and their ability to learn. Fortunately, parents, educators, and others can work together to create healthier changes in schools. The Learning Connection explores the challenges schools face, but more importantly, outlines best practices and showcases success stories so that people in any school community can make these changes a reality.

For the learner to understand what to eat regularly or rarely to achieve a healthy body, I will introduce the food pyramid. During this lesson, students will learn about the food pyramid and its sections. Students will identify which foods they should regularly be eating and which foods they should eat less. For a better understanding of the lesson, I will create a large, blank triangle and apply it to the wall. Then I will add sections according to the new food pyramid while naming them appropriately. I will also carry some sample food in class for the students to identify their position in the food pyramid. Lastly, I will arrange students in groups where they will list their favorite food and try to determine their position in the food pyramid.

The third article that connects to my lesson is titled “Effects of Diet on Behavior and Cognition in Children” by Belisle F. This article presents a review of the literature on diet, behavior and cognitive function in children. The article looks at behavior and effects on cognition based on diet and at short-term vs. long-term effects of diet. She mentions attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a condition that could be affected by the intake of sugar or additives. She also reviews studies linking hyperactivity and sugar intake or the presence of food additives in the diet. According to one study, behavioral problems have been reported in thiamin-deficient adolescents with symptoms of irritability, aggressive behavior, and personality changes. Belisle concludes that performance on demanding mental tasks improves following glucose ingestion, while easy tasks are not affected.

Through this article, I will explain to the students, the importance of the proper choice of a healthy diet. I will organize a group activity in which the students play restaurant. The primary role of this activity is to test how well students can make healthy food choices. For example, with the help of students, I will create menus with pictures of a variety of foods, including both healthy and unhealthy. Children will be allowed to exchange role from cook, waiter, to customer.

The fourth article that relates to my today’s lesson is “Water, Drinks and Your Health” by Nhs. This article is relevant because, the author argues that, most of the chemical reactions that happen in our body cells require water in to take place. Our bodies need water to facilitate the circulation of blood and nutrients in the body. Nevertheless, we lose water all the time, through evaporation through breathing and sweating. When the temperature rises, or we do more activity, we lose more water, therefore, require more intake.

During the class, I will ask students to state the amount of water their take daily. Additionally, will list down healthy drinks and explain their function in the body. For instance, fruit juice and fruit smoothies contain a variety of vitamins that are good for our health.

The fifth article that relates to my lesson is “Nutrition and Development” by Laura and Staner. It is relevant to my teaching because the authors argue that, diet has a direct effect on academic achievement. Various medical researchers have proved that numerous dietary components, including micronutrients such as folate, iron, and omega 3, have essential roles in brain development and functioning. Furthermore, the brain requires significant and regular amounts of energy to function optimally.

The article will help me, explain to the students some of the healthy food that helps us to enhance our IQ and concentration class.

01 April 2020
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