Evaluation Of My Strengths And Weaknesses

Everyone has their own personality so no one has the same strengths or weaknesses. My personality can help or hinder my future successes because I'm sociable. According to my personality test one of my strengths is that I am a sociable person. Now what does this mean? According to studies, sociable people tend to be more productive than others. This can be helpful in many ways for example while trying to get a job ,my managers and supervisors will know I am a person to trust on store floors by working and helping customers but also coworkers who need help too. Being sociable can also shows that I am a leader. I am the person to do the right thing and this will build trust with bosses, teachers, friends, but not only that my personality allows me to take criticism. Anywhere you go you notice there are angry people ready to say ugly comments or etc., but this will not affect me. Why? One of my personalities also says i am an insensitive person, now i take this a positive way. This makes me be a strong individual who will not get mad or upset about anything but yet turn it into something positive.

Another one of my strengths is that i am a bold but also a direct person, i get to discover new things and ideas and i can communicate clearly with direct and factual questions this can help in anything i do because i can make the school, jobs and an anything else a little better.

A few of my weaknesses is that I am an impatient person. For example I move at my own pace to keep myself entertained i cannot stay in one place for a long period of time this causes me to get bored and start messing with things i see and start getting eager. This can also mean that i can make rash decisions and could possibly turn into a terrible consequence.

Another weaknesses is that i get unfocused quickly for example, if I’m doing my work and i see a puppy i start looking at it and forget what I’m doing but another thing that happens is ,People that struggle to learn a lesson and ask many questions make me start to not understanding what we are learning about.

Lastly another weakness of mine is that i may miss the bigger picture now possibly when you hear this you think of missing the things in the future such as a relationship but to me what does this mean? I may try to solve a problem here most likely always and doing this can turn into me wanting it to be perfect and on point but doing this can cause me going overboard and doing more than i should and i with this you can say I’m a perfectionist and this isn’t always a bad thing but once you go overboard like me it becomes one.

In conclusion, my strengths and weaknesses help me in many ways as in getting jobs, making friends but my weaknesses could also bring me down as a person like being impatient and sometimes there is nothing wrong with it but it is also who I am.

03 December 2019
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