Health Effect Comparison Between Sport Drinks And Chocolate

The chocolate is a food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery. The chocolate contains lots of antioxidant. This is a popular food product to everybody enjoys everyday. There are nine types of chocolate: milk, dark, couverture, white, cocoa, raw, compound, modeling, at Ruby chocolate. The research is to find the health effect comparison between sports drinks and chocolate. I would like to study this so that I can find chocolate helps strengthen the body than sports drinks after exercise. I experienced in drinking the chocolate milkshake after exercise. After my exercise I usually drink chocolate and helped re-energized me. I felt as I can bike again. That’s when I became curious to find out why.

The study of chocolate, one of the facts stats that it lowers cholesterol levels that decline of memory. The evidence for benefits is biologically active phenolic compounds which are the cocoa in chocolate. These are conditions that chocolate help for example: stress, blood pressure regulation, and atherosclerosis. The authors say “Regular consumption of chocolate bars containing PS and CF, as part of a low fat diet, may support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure.” These are also stated in the book 'The Journal of Nutrition'. The use of chocolate depends because when it’s good or bad effects in the body. The type of flavonoid found in cocoa and chocolate are flavanols and flavonols. Flavanols are the source of the antioxidant qualities. Due to high content of flavanols it helps elevate cardiovascular health such as vasodilatory, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits. According to Lauren Kelly, RD stationed in New York City says “It appears that cocoa can increase production and availability of endothelial nitric oxide, a substance that promotes dilation of the blood vessels, helping to improve cardiovascular function.”

The researches on the benefits of chocolate with dark chocolate are anti-aging, anti-inflammatory in the body and brain. Rebecca Scrtichfield, RD and author of Kindness, your Body says 'Flavonoids are a plant-based antioxidant found in chocolate.' Flavonoids do provide antioxidant properties which stimulates health benefits from chocolate, helps blood flow, and lower cholesterol levels. Chocolate, however, can relieve stress as it contains magnesium, it assists in relaxation for individuals. For a fact, it quite works in relieving stress. Most studies though say that in extension for magnesium upon consumption also tell us that it does help elevate mood, memory, and focus but most of our daily diets lack magnesium.

Sport drinks are similar but contains less sugar and fat than chocolate. Though a fast rate of rehydration and has a lower risk of negative health effect. Meaning to say that you re-energize enough to get back up and keep going but chocolate prolongs the effect to keep going and is great for exercise recovery. It’s as if you’re on sugar rush that eating lots of sweets makes you want to do more and having tremendous energy to do more is great but not good in terms of health which can cause you to crash as your heart rate increases and may end up having diabetes or other negative health effects. But that depends on the type of chocolate you eat. For example, light and dark chocolate. Light or milk chocolate products claim that it’s better for health due to milk substance which provides protein and calcium. Those who follow on dark chocolate products directs to a higher iron content and levels of antioxidants.

The impact during and after an intense exercise we see how well our muscles recover in the body rapidly replaces fluids and electrolytes. An analysis had been made, researchers had observed data from 12 small studies discussed about how chocolate milk influenced in exercise recovery compared to sports drinks. In an exercise test athletes mostly in running or cycling based on observation data from the researchers they find how long it takes to become exhausted during workouts, athletes’ perceived exertion levels, heart rate and levels of lactic acid and an enzyme known as creatine kinase in the blood which both rise with intense activity. Overall, chocolate milk specifically does lengthen the time to exhaustion and improved perceived exertion, heart rate or levels of lactic acid in the blood.

14 May 2021
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