Professional Growth And Research 

Research plays a crucial role in one’s professional growth. It can also be the foundation to the professional growth. Research can clarify one’s misconception. Everyone likes to have growth in their profession and get success, for that one step is research.

Research: It is a way of investigating to contribute knowledge to the world and also which is useful for one’s own development. HECFE stated that there are three key terms to define a perfect research. HEFCE defines perfect research to contain: originality, gain, knowledge and understanding. Each term has its own conspicuous, the research should never contain the ideas or work of other persons, it has to be original. Original as two actions. Firstly, doing something what others did but in a different way or by using a different technique. Alternatively, finding something that has not been found or discovered by any one. The outcomes of this can be anything like a product, technique, method. The research should always be useful, it should not be just limited to one person. It should contribute something to the world. Its means that the information should be published somehow like using articles, books, media, internet. So, that the research will not be wasted. The other key term is knowledge, it means understanding information in a higher-level. This states that information just addresses the idea of “what”, whereas knowledge address or represents the understanding of “why”. The broadness of a subject is often unknown at the start of research. As research progresses, the researcher becomes aware of the field scale.

Professional growth can be seen in most of the jobs and professions at some constant or level. Most of the growth and development can be spotted only in the businesses and some organizations. The growth in businesses means, it must effectuate the costumer need, be some profitable to the company and entering into international market. The advantage of research in professional growth is it can find a new way for their problems. By the research, a skillful person can produce a new product which helps in his professional growth. The path of selecting research may vary from one individual to another, but the research never gets wasted. The information that researcher had collected sometimes may not be useful to him, although it might be helpful for other to continue their research. Wisdom is the most important and crucial part in one’s professional life. Wisdom means that the knowledge and information grasped by research should be executed in physical life to have good professional growth.

According to Berndtsson et al. (2008), the research primarily has two divisions, quantitative research and qualitative research. The main disparity between these two are scope and quality, if a research is done in a broad scope then there will be a cutback in the quality. The natural science researchers follow the quantitative research and the qualitative methods are used in social science where we have case studies and surveys. Here this qualitative research is again classified into four methods or types, they are: Action research, Experiment, Case study and survey. Each method carries its own attention and importance. For example, action research involves the document study path whereas, experiment involves the investigation method. These methods in research helps the individual to solve any type of problem or can lead to development of an unknown product. Here case study is further prorated into two practices,

11 February 2020
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