Report On Self Assessment Using Different Personality Tests

The Keirsey Personality Test

The Keirsey Personality Test identified me as an idealist. Some keywords for an idealist is imaginative, kind-hearted, romantic, and empathetic. Idealist tends to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials. They pride themselves on being loving, kind-hearted, and authentic. They make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders. They are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom. As a temperament, idealists are concerned with striving to discover who they are and how to become their best possible self. Naturally, idealists are drawn to working and helping others. They often inspire others to have personal growth and development. Idealists do not like conflict and confrontation, they believe the best way for people to achieve their goals is friendly cooperation. Their dream of interpersonal harmony could been seen as a romantic ideal, however, idealists are seen as romantics. For idealists, the real and practical world is only a starting point because they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized. Idealists regard their actions as highly ethical, thus holding themselves in a strict standard of personal integrity. They believe in being true to themselves and others, so when they are dishonest or are false or insincere, they are quite hard on themselves. They are the very soul kindness, mainly in their personal relationships. Without any doubt, idealists are filled with love and good will. Idealists only make up 15 to 20 percent of the entire population, making them relatively rare. However, their enthusiasm and idealism has given them the ability to inspire people and to influence people far beyond their numbers.

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test

According to Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, I am characterized as ISFJ; introvert (31%), sensing (28%), feeling (31%), and judging (6%). People who are characterized as ISFJs have the desire to serve others, their “need to be needed. ” At work, home and play, they often are unappreciated, even though they are loyal and generous and provide high-quality work. Those around them often take them for granted and also take advantage of them. Even though, their work ethic is high on the priority list, the center of their lives is their families. Within the family circle, ISFJs are extremely warm and demonstrative, though they can be possessive of their loved ones. They have a few, close friends, who they are extremely loyal to and at any given time they are ready to provide emotional and practical support. However, ISFJs do not like to burden others with their own problems.

The Big Five Project Personality Test

According to the Big Five Project Personality Test, using the OCEAN model; I am 29% open-mindedness, 21% conscientiousness, 13% extraversion, 93% agreeableness, and 79% negative emotionality. The OCEAN model uses percentile scores from those who have taken the test before and compares your answer them to give your score. My open-mindedness was at 29%, making me somewhat conventional. Those that scored low tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, and uncreative. My conscientiousness was at 21%, suggesting that I tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. Those that scored low tend to be disorganized, undependable, and negligent. My extraversion was at 13%, indicating I probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. Those who scored low tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, and quiet. My agreeableness was at 93%, which says that I am good-natured, courteous, and supportive. Those who scored high tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, and courteous. My negative emotionality was at 79%, suggesting that I tend to become anxious and nervous. Those who scored high tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, and worrying.

NERIS Type Explorer

According to the 16 personalities: NERIS Type Explorer, I have a mediator personality (INFP, -A/ -T). I am 74% introverted, 55% intuitive, 71% feeling, 61% prospecting, and 57% turbulent. They refer mediator personalities as true idealists - constantly looking for the good in people, even if they are the worst and always searching for ways to make things better. Mediators can come off as calm, reserved, or shy, but they have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. People who have the Mediator personality type only make up 4% of the population, they are highly at risk of feeling misunderstood. They are not led by rewards and punishments, but by the purity of their intent. This quality is held highly by mediator personality type, however, not everyone understands that, which can lead to isolation. Mediators are able to communicate deeply because of this they have a talent for self-expression. They will focus their attention on a few people so they will not spread themselves too thinly and run out of energy. Mediator personality strengths are idealistic, seek and value harmony, open-minded and flexible, very creative, passionate and energetic, and dedicated and hard-working. Their belief that everyone are inherently good allows them to be incredibly resilient attitude in the face of hardship. They have no interest of having powers over others, they believe in a more democratic approach, ensuring that everybody’s voice and perspective is heard. Mediators do not like to be constrained by rules, their attitude about life is live-and-let-live. Even though, their shyness keeps them from being the center of attention, they are always first to lend a helping hand when needed. They will put all their time, energy, thoughts, and emotions.

Personality Max: Jung Personality Type

According to the Personality Max: Jung Personality Type, my personality type is INFP, also known as the “Dreamer”; introverted (89%), intuitive (63%), feeling (63%), and perceiving (79%). They are private people and enjoy spending time alone. Most of the time they like to keep to themselves, making them very independent. INFPs are feelers, they are driven by emotion and uses their heart to make decisions. They dislike conflict and hate the feeling of being confined by rules and schedules. They are loyal and caring to people who are very close to them. In their work life, INFPs can work well in solitude and with others. Their job must be fulfilling and meaningful, or else they will lose interest. They are known to be highly idealistic. Their greatest gift is being able to connect with another person on deeper level.

01 April 2020
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