Motivation in Learning Second Language

Motivation is a process that makes people determined to achieve their goals. It totally depends on the firmness of our decisions. Theories about motivation explains about the efforts of the people to achieve their desired things. Many motivational speakers give their views differently about motivation but their ideas have the same reflection that motivation is all about the determination to fulfill our dreams. In ordinary life motivation can look like: people eat food to remove their hunger. But there are some other conditions. As some people do not eat Raven, they have high hunger, for example in fast. this condition is related to motivation sometimes people desire more and more even they are satisfied about their internal requirements. Another condition is that sometimes people eat things even they are not feeling hungry. This condition is similar to motivation sometimes people desired more and more even they are satisfied about internal requirements. On the basis of such conditions, they are following the types of the motivation:

  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Extrinsic motivation
  • Reward based motivation
  • Fear based motivation
  • Achievement based motivation
  • Power based motivation
  • Affiliation based motivation
  • Competence based motivation
  • Attitude motivation


Motivation in Learning 

Here I want to explain about people desire of learning some second language. Actually, most of the people want to know about second language. Now a days mostly people wants to speak English because they know it has become an international language. But learning second language is nit an easy task so people have some motivation to learn it. So, what is that reason which motivates people to learn second language?

This motivation will be different for different people according to their thinking. This motivation may be because of the hope of becoming famous as people think that if they know more than one language or some other language which other people does not known them will be more re-known. This wish to become famous motivates them to learn other languages.

If someone wants to learn English language as a second language it may be because of his aim to get job in some international company. He better knows this thing that he will only be able to get job in such company if he will be able to speak English because such companies expect his employs to speak healthy English properly. If he has no such desire to work in international company then he will not pay attention to learn English properly. So, his wish to work or get job in such a company, motivated him to learn English.

We also want to learn English because we are seeing that English is dominating over the world as international language. As we can see USA UK making progress fast. Most of the good inventions and discoveries are made by English and British people. So, their development in every field of life motivates us to compare with them. We also want that our country name would become the part of developed listed countries. Their progress motivates us to learn their language. Some of us also wants to learn English because they are interested in reading English books, watching English movies and listening English music. Most of the people spend most of their time on social media using facebook, Instagram, twitter, WhatsApp etc. These things are mostly in English language. So, these things motivate us to learn English. In this way these things motivate us to learn English properly.

As English has become the language of internet so if we want to search anything, we should have grip on this language. This is the most important things which motivates students to learn English properly because students are uncomfortable in their study requirements without internet. Some people also wats to go abroad for higher studies, jobs or they just want to visit different places in different region of world. In such cases, it is necessary for them to speak English because when they meet any foreigner and they have to talk to them, they have to learn English because English is being speak and being understand in most of the corners of the world. Some of us wants to make foreigner friend, so these things motivate us to learn English properly.

Nowadays, there is a trend of speaking English and people like and respect those people who can speak and understand English to follow this trend or having the feeling of to become respected and loved personality we have to learn English to meet the requirements of becoming good in English. This desire also motivates us to learn English.


In general, motivation is like a dragging force which makes us determined to perform any task. It encourages us to face any type of difficulty and to achieve our goals. People wants to learn language some second language also because of their interest in that language. For example, some of us are interested in poetry and we know there are number of good poets who write in Persian language so if someone wants to understand that poetry, he should be able to understand that language.

07 July 2022
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